genie out of the lamp ; drafts

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this was originally the story that i was going to post. but thought that it looked a bit too long of a story.

monday morning. it was 8:53am, but it felt like it was 5am for sunghoon. the latter wasnt used to the sunlight stinging his eyes, it felt like hell. But he must admit it felt new, he would like to go to a park and see what productive people do. But he cant, he was stuck in this yard sale with his mom. He was woken up by his mom in the morning to go to a yard sale with her, He was pretty irritated. But still agreed because it was his mom.

"Sunghoon! look you can get these skates for 10$!" his mom showed a navy blue skates in his hands,it was in good condition but—

"Mom, i already skate in ice. i would like to experience walking on land."

"Hmp, whatever you say. ill still get them." his mom walked away leaving him to find whatever he could find on this darned yard sale.

iam close this close to leaving my mom and run back home but again lets enjoy this, for now? Sunghoon looked around, more like judge every item he sees. His eyes caught an old-looking picture frame, with a picture of two male smiling. he couldn't really tell the colors since it was turning yellow, but he saw an emerald-like color on a necklace. He also assumed they were both married if thats even possible back-in-the-day because they were wearing matching rings.

He shrugged and put it back, The next item that he landed his eyes on was an oil lamp. The color wasnt fading, sure theres dirt and grimes on it but overall in good condition. It was almost gold-like, there was a sun carved on the side, and a land that looks a like desert on the other side. He must admit it did looked familiar, But He wasnt gonna use it nor have use for it,but he remembered that his grandparents like antique things, and this looked like an antique thing. So he then went to his mom to show this lamp.

"Hey mom,Look at this oil lamp i found. i thought i can buy it and give it to grandpa" he said lifting the dirty lamp, "They do like antique things right?"

"Ooh! that looks pretty, but you need to clean it first dear. Since we are done lets go pay for the Things."

The day passed and sunghoon left the oil lamp in his desk, waiting for it to be cleaned and gifted. His younger sister, went inside his room to ask for something.

"HoonHoon whats the— Hey! that looks like the oil lamp in aladdin!" his sister looked at it, rushing towards it i mean. "Did you try rubbing it yet to see if a genie comes out?"

ah, so thats why its familiar its from aladdin. He laughed at his sister's remarks, "Jiji theres no such thing as genies. its just an old oil lamp, i need to clean it first to give it to grandpa."

"But you never know! maybe a there is a magical being in there!" Jiji eyes sparkled, "Hi sunoo!" she whispered

Sunghoon stopped laughing and looked at his sister,"Did you say something?"

"No,nothing. But i came here to ask a question!"

He hummed in response,"What is it?"

"Help me with a math quiz?"

Sunghoon chuckled and nodded, "alright, tomorrow morning. Lets go to bed now hm?"

"Alright! goodnight brother!" she waved to him, and the lamp.

Sunghoon found it odd, that his sister was waving to an inanimate object. But still grabbed a cloth to try and get rid of the dirt and grimes on it. Im really hoping that it would come off easily.

He first removed the dirt on the tip of the neck of the lamp, To his luck it was easily removable. Thanking his god and moving on. Now the lid, he removed the lid to clean it. the inside of the lamp was all darkness, you couldn't see the shape of the lamp inside. Sunghoon continued to clean all of the lamp until it was shining not really but it looked like gold, so he was atleast proud of that.

Sunghoon put back the lamp in his desk and was now getting ready to go to bed when—

"Hey! you summoned me, but all you did was ignore my existence?!" Sunghoon frozed at the high-pitched voice behind him, He couldn't move; thats it im going to die, tell my family i love them and they're annoying someti-

"Hey!" A pale skinned male appeared infront of him, He had chubby cheeks,fox-like eyes, and pink lips. He was "glowing" in sunghoon's eyes

"I-uhm?—" Sunghoon "said", shocked that there was this boy? infront of him. "What are yo—"

"Im Sunoo! your wishes are in my command, sunghoon!" sunoo bowed at his master

"What wishes—"

"You summoned me, what do you mean "what wishes" you know what you'd like, it can be anything! Money,power,strength, or possibly destroy the world. Anything. But i cannot, make anyone fall in love,kill anyone or anything, and bring people back from the grave"

Sunghoon was still trying to process this, so he couldnt really think straight. "thats— thats— your lying arent you?"

Sunoo blinked two times before coming closer to sunghoon, "Me? lying? how could you. if i could choke you right now i would."

"Iam the most powerful being in the world,sunghoon. Why would i lie?"

Maybe im just lacking sleep, maybe. damn i shouldnt have woken up that early. Sunghoon thought, and just ignored the fact that there was a genie in his room and just went to bed.
Sunoo got offended and somewhat confused, thinking that it would be the best if he just left him alone for a little while. He went outside his room,

"Sunoo! Hi!" He saw Jiji peeking through the door waving at him.

"Oh! Hi Jiji! shouldnt you be sleeping?" He asked the little girl,"and how did you saw me?"

"First of all no, its still early. And i dont know, but can you come here and play with me?"

Sunoo smiled,"Ofcourse."

The night passed and it was already day, Sunoo came back in his lamp after playing with Jiji. He figured that children has this vision thing that can make them see ghosts,spirits and such. Although he figured that out, he still doesnt know how to convince his newly found-master, i guess he doesn't believe in such thing. Well i should wake him up for breakfast.

Sunghoon thought that he was dreaming, suddenly seeing a 'genie' appeared in his room and asking for his wishes. Hilarious he thought. "Sunghoon,wake up its time for breakfast."
He opened his eyes, expecting Jiji instead he screamed and pushed himself in the corner of the room. Sunoo was unbelievably close to his face, almost kissing.

"What the hell?!" He Yelled and was about to throw a pillow at him

"Calm down, Drop the pillow." The word 'Calm' made sunghoon relax and drop his pillow, "Sunghoon its already morning, Jiji is waiting for you. So how about you go downstairs and eat first hm?"

Sunghoon somehow stood up and went downstairs, What the hell happened and why am i following his orders?! He saw Jiji already eating without their mom present, He sat down infront of jiji and began to eat— well choke because

"HoonHoon! did you make a wish yet?" Jiji asked tilting her head

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