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"What do you mean you can't be here until tomorrow!?!," Nash yelled at the phone while he was pacing up and down the driveway. The car was broken and Nash was calling all the auto shops in the area,but all were closed or closing. It was actually quite entertaining watching Nash get all flustered up like this. A few moments later Nash finally gave up and sat down next to me and Nathan on the front porch. "Well, looks like we're spending the night here."
"Whooo! Sleepover!," Nathan screams trying to lighten the mood. He was right though. This was going to be fun.
"I'm gonna call my dad real quick and tell him what's going on,"I said grabbing my phone.
OH.MY.GOD. Today was absolutely perfect. Olivia and I almost kissed! Until Nash freaking ruined it. Nash might see the car breaking down as a nightmare, but I saw it as an opportunity. An opportunity to get closer to her. But not in that way. I'm a gentleman.
"My dad said it's fine to stay," Olivia said. Yes!
"Cool let's go inside and figure everything out. K?" I suggested.

After a while we decided that Nash got the master room, and Olivia and I would share a bunk bed together. This was going to be awesome. Nash being the old one decided to go to bed early tonight,but Olivia and I were on a sugar high. But we eventually got bored.
"Lets watch a Netflix," I offered.
"Yeah." We grabbed my phone and some blankets and cuddled on the bottom bunk. We were sitting next to each other, my arm around her, Olivia cuddled into me. Everything was perfect. I would have gone with a scary movie, but I didn't want to scare her really bad before bed in a place she's never been before. Instead we decided on Big Hero 6. Half way through the movie I heard a purring sound. I paused the movie to figure out where the sound was coming from. After a moment I realized Olivia had fallen asleep and was lightly snoring. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life. I couldn't disturb this cutness,so I layed down and wrapped my arms around her a slowly fell asleep, thinking about how lucky I really was.
I woke up the best way ever, in Nathan's arms. It felt I should have been in one of cheesy,romantic movies I love. I didn't want to wake him up or leave this comfortable bubble surrounding us, so I closed eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Eventually my legs were falling asleep, which was a sign to get up. I turned around to face Nathan.
"Hey,hey," I whispered, poking his face.
"No. I don't want to get up, Mom." He said in his sexy morning voice. I burst out laughing.
"C'mon weirdo, time to get up." I tried to get up, but Nathan pulled me back down.
"No," he pouted. " 5 more minutes"
"Ugh. Fine." We layed there for what seemed forever. We just layed there. In our own little world that no one could disturb.
"Nathan?" I asked. He groaned response."Why do you like me?" I regretted the words right as they were coming out of my mouth. Wow really smooth Olivia. "Nevermind don't answer that question."
"No. No. It's okay. I wanna answer." I turn to face him. " Well, to be honest I don't know. There's just something about you that makes me want to be around you all the time." I smile at him.
"Good answer." Then I get up to go fix breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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