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I was hugging my pillow tightly around me and was about to fall back to sleep when i felt a slimy texture on my cheek. I opened slowly my left eye and saw my dog Ben staring at me waiting for me to get up. He is my every morning alarm. i remember when my mum and dad bought me that dog 2 years ago and i was really happy i couldn't stop hugging them. At the tought of my parents and my memories with them made me kinda sad but i know that they are in a much better place that this hell hole.

I grabbed myself up and slowly made my way in the bathroom preparing for my bath. School starts in about 2 days from now and i'm not looking forward for it at all. I'm only a bit excited to see my friends. i don't consider me popular at school i just have quite a few friends that happen to like my boring ass life.

As i finished my bath i wrapped myself in a white towel and dressed in a pair of leggings and a mint sweater i grabbed a pair of unmatched socks .. I mean who cares right antie Rose always argues with me but i mean it's not like I'm going to knock on every door and show them my socks, they are going to hide themselves in my boots what's the point ( i'm sorry i'm a bit wierd okay)

As i was running down the stairs a lovely appetizing spell of pancakes caught my nose and i realised that antie Rose had made her most delicous pancakes on earth.. I'm not even exeggerating. 'Your up early today' Uncle Tom said while sipping on his coffee and reading last week's newspaper. 'yea i might go on a run today you now to freshen up a little bit' 'yea you should it's a beautiful day today' 'where's auntie Rose?' i said while eating my third pancake (ps i eat a lot) ' Oh she's doing some yoga because the midwife said that she is not doing enough exercise'

btw my auntie is 5 months pregnant she was so excited when she first found out because for some years she had a few problems with her system and she couldn't have babies at that time. 'Oh i see i think i'm going to grab a bottle of water and go for a walk right now' ' have fun and be careful' he said while folding the newspaper and grabbing the dirty plates of the table.

I texted my bestfriend Mia and told her if she wanted to go with me. She lived a few houses away from mines and so we spent every minute of this summer together and by that i mean watching netflix and eating pizza or go to a random party.

After a minute she texted me back saying she is waiting for me outside her house. ' hi bitch ' she said while running towards me ' hey slut' i said while hugging her . We always call each other names and if we call one another with our names then the subject must be serious.

We walked along the town's central park and gossiped on God knows what 'hey rumors have been running around our neighborhood that a new family is going to live in our street I think the house next to yours' she said breathless because of the 20 mins jogging that we've just made 'oh wow new neighbors hope they're nice' 'yeah they are well known they must be important and stuff but anyways I want Starbucks' she said as she stood up hold her hand for me to help me stand up 'yeah same I want some ice tea' 'wait we're going to Starbucks and you're going to have ice tea? ' she said with an ' are you serious look' 'yeah I want some ice tea is that a problem?' 'no not at all, hey we should go school shopping after' she said 'yeah I'm in need of some school supplies'

After a long day of shopping for supplies I was tired and I felt like a blob. Walking in the kitchen I saw everyone at the table talking 'hey you're in late' my auntie said 'yeah I went school Supply shopping with Mia' 'oh good because this morning I was going to tell you the same thing, that's settled do you want anything to eat or you already ate' 'no I'm okay auntie Rose' 'okay then I'll go upstairs I'm a bit worn out' she said as she rubbed her round belly.

As I was going to enter my room Nick and Jack came hugging me 'hey little sis I haven't seen you all day' Nick said 'you were suppose to see us at football practice' shit I totally forgot.

'oh my god I forgot about that I'll come see you tomorrow I promise' 'yea bring Mia with you' Jack said. Jake and Mia both had a crush on each other for years and until now they still won't admit it. 'okay I'll make that a point'

As I walked in my room I plopped myself on my comfy bed and checked the time, it's was already 8:45pm so I decided to watch some Netflix and then finish the day with a nice worm bath and some hot chocolate.

Hope you liked the first chapter stay tuned for weekly chapters xx

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