The Fight

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'Faaithh' I heard someone yell
'Faith wake up' the voice yelled again
i ignored the annoying voice and continued with my beautiful dream that i was dreaming about Harry Styles.
'fine then' the voice finally said I was about to go back to sleep went i felt cold water splash on my entire body. I jolted up quickly until I realised that Nick had just threw a whole bucket of cold water on me. That little shit.

'the fuck is wrong with you you fuck tard' I growled loudly 'don't curse at me sis I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't bulge' he said while smirking 'so you had to throw me a bucket full of cold water just to fucking wake me up I going to kill Nick' I yelled. He ran downstairs laughing histericaly , wait until I catch him.

As I pulled myself out of my soaked bed some water had dripped on the floor and so me being a clumsy person I slipped and smacked my ass on the hard wooden floor. I hate my life.

I grabbed the nearest thing next to me and tried to pull myself up. As I stood up I walked towards my full sized mirror and patted my poor butt. I checked the time and it was 8:30 so I when in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a bath.

Today I had to go see Nick and Jack practise soccer at 9:15. So I quickly straighted up my hair and since it was still hot outside I decided to wear shorts and a plain black crop top along with some newly bought sandals.

When I went downstairs my uncle and auntie were watching some TV and Nick, Jack and my Other siblings Blake and Skylynn which year twins were sitting by the counter.

I was still mad at Nick so I grabbed a granola bar and sat far away from him as possible. 'awh are you still mad at me Faith bear' he said while doing a puppy face

'no I'm actually pretty happy Nick' I spoke with sarcasm. 'oh come on sis I tried waking you up and when you didn't move I got worried so the only thought that flew through my mind was that' he said while feeling guilty 'sure whatever just don't do it again if you don't want me to cut your balls while you're sleeping and shove them down your throat for breakfast' I said while munching the granola bar. He threw his arms up in surrender 'deal' he said.

'we should probably go practise starts in 10' Jack said as he stood up grabbing the car keys 'yeah we should probably get going now' Nick stated 'Faith did you tell Mia about practise' shit I totally forgot 'umm I'll text her and see if she's ready' said as I stepped out of the house. I dailed her number and after the first ring she answered.

She must be up then. 'helloo gurlll' she said 'hey do you have anything to do today?' 'no why?' 'good because I'm going practice with my brothers and thought maybe you would like to come 'is Jack going to be there? 'she said sounding hopeful ' yes he is this was basically his idea'

'omg really I'm on my way' she shouted happly and a minute later Mia flunged the door open and ran towards me. I gave her a small hug and we started walking towards Jack's car. A huge smile formed on Jack's face as soon as Mia entered the car 'hi Mia nice seeing you again' he said while putting on his signature smirk. She chuckled lightly and a shade of red formed on her cheeks 'n-nice seeing you too Jack' they are literally the cutest.

After 15 minutes we finally arrived at the school ground area and there was already some of Jack and Nick's friends along with their coach and some random people sitting on the bleachers. Me and Mia sat on the front row then all of a sudden Brandon by ex-boyfriend approched us. 'hey babe' he said while sitting beside me grabbing me from the waist 'what do you want Brandon' i groaned throwing his hands off me but he gripped my waste harder this time making me winch 'awh baby doll i'm missing you so much and those time when yo-' 'Brandon we broke up remember so make it a point to stay the fuck away from me i don't want you and your cheating ass anywhere near me' i yelled furiously. 'i suggest you do as she said if you don't want to have your balls chopped before you know it' Nick said , he approached us and was about to punch him but Jack stopped him

' Don't waste your time on him bro his no good' 'fine i'll go but Faith don't come running to me because you had your chance you weren't even my type' he said with a harsh tone. 'that's it' by brother yelled he lunged over Brandon and stared puching him like he does everyday with his punching bag. 'brandon flipped Nick over and punched him right in the jaw ouchh. Soon after the coach blowed his whstle and seperated them 'what the hell is going on here' he growled. 'he start it th-' Brandon said before he was interupped my the Coach. 'I don't care when school starts you'll both have detention ' he boomed and walked off.

I wasn't expecting this to happen today.


Chp 2 is doneee :D i still have to edit this so

Alexander will be mentioned in Chp 3 or 4 :))))

Hope you like this chp and don't forget to vote :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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