Falling stone

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Taehyung was scared of this person and had no idea of what they were capable of. If it was something that could harm Yoongi and his reputation, then he didn't want to do it. He wanted to try and trick this person into thinking that he knew nothing about Yoongi's plans and more. "I do not know a thing. Please let me go" Taehyung begged as the unknown person growled at him.  "You have to know something. It's impossible for you to not know anything about your dumb boyfriend!" the person yelled, Taehyung gulping and looking down.

 "He isn't dumb, you are for thinking that I am going to give you information about my lover!" Taehyung yelled back, moving away as the unknown person chuckled and glared at him. "If you do not tell me anything, you better pray I don't hurt you for it" The person threatened as he mumbled words under his breath. Taehyung wasn't taking him seriously but all he wanted was to know a few things. 

Yoongi muttered while pacing around and growled when he heard a thud. "I swear if he is hurting him..." Yoongi started before grabbing his gun and rushing upstairs, not caring about the dumb rules they asked of him. He busted into the room and Taehyung's eyes widened before yelping as the unknown guy held him at gun point. Yoongi held up his own gun with a glare. "Put him down or so help me, I will shoot" Yoongi said while the person just chuckled. "Like you did to your ex? I don't think so" the person said with a chuckle as Yoongi's guard went down, Taehyung looking at them back and forth.

 "Yoongi what are they talking about?" Taehyung said, his voice laced with worry as Yoongi glared at the person. "He shot his ex, right in the stomach because they wouldn't do what he needed them to do. They were his partner in crime, remember that Yoongi?" the unknown person asked with an evil laugh, Yoongi gulping out of fear while he remembered what he did. Taehyung shivered "Would you do that to me...?" he asked while Yoongi looked hurt. "Of course not, I love you way too much to hurt you in such a way" Yoongi said quickly, Taehyung tearing up. 

"You would hurt me..." Taehyung said with fear, Yoongi shaking his head a lot. "Not at all, please don't think like that" Yoongi told him, the unknown person laughing. "See, he would. He doesn't care about you and only cares about the money he makes" the unknown person said as Taehyung started to cry. Yoongi shook his head "Don't believe a thing they are telling you! Please Tae, I would never...". The unknown person held Taehyung close as they moved him away from Yoongi whom couldn't do anything about it. 

The unknown person just laughed as Taehyung sniffled and looked away from his so-called lover. He didn't know who to believe and this person has ruined their relationship. Yoongi looked defeated and Taehyung noticed that, but he also didn't feel like hearing him lie. He was done with him and it was clear to see as he didn't even want to be near Yoongi. "I think it's best that I take Taehyung and keep him for you" The unknown person said as they smirked with a sick smile. 

He pulled down his mask to show it as well. Yoongi's heart stopped as he knew who it was. "Dae-sung.." Yoongi said with shock and anger. "You wanted me dead! Do you remember when you shot me?!" he said, Taehyung's eyes going wide. "Yoongi never did that! You were reminding him of his abusive family!" Taehyung yelled as he kicked his foot and ran right into Yoongi's arms, Yoongi smiling because he had him again. 

Dae-sung growled with such hate and wanted it to be him again, to have Yoongi all to himself and seeing that his plan didn't work he hated it. He wanted to be on top of everything and Yoongi wasn't going to let him with Taehyung in the way. Which ticked him off and badly too. Taehyung sniffled as Yoongi looked at Dae-sung. 

"Oh are you that jealous that he has me and you don't? Well be jealous, you broke me apart in the worst way!" Yoongi yelled and dragged him out within seconds while Taehyung called his helpers. Jimin took the idiot by force and kicked him out with a few violent words on the side. Yoongi and Taehyung hugged like they never had before because they were finally safe  

"I hope you know that I would never harm you and that you are always safe with me, I-" Yoongi was cut off with a deep kiss that left him nearly weak. "Just shut up and kiss me" Taehyung said before Yoongi picked him up without any thoughts as he needed this. They kissed for moments that lasted like summer. Taehyung ended up on Yoongi's bed as he felt Yoongi move to his neck, blushing and grabbing onto his hair. "B-baby I am going to lose it" Taehyung muttered before gasping at the touch he was being given. 

Yoongi chuckled deeply in his neck moving back to his lips. "Is something wrong prince? Or are you just sensitive?" Yoongi teased, cause Taehyung to whine at his little teasing. It was only making him hard and that was the last thing he needed right at the moment. Yoongi then felt it and rubbed his boner through his pants which only made him more sensitive. "I-i can't handle the t-teasing" Taehyung said and Yoongi chuckled at that. 

"We will just have to see about that~" Yoongi said

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