Day 2

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Kaylee Blart d2 pov

I sat on the island, on a crate of food. As the sun reached the center of the sky some of the girls started to sunbathe. I grabbed a dagger and lay near the edge. I pushed the dagger into the ground and watched as a small piece of the island fell into the lava. I started cutting more, as for me and the 10 other girls had nothing to do. I gathered as many axes as I could and stashed them in the bottom of my food supplies. I laid my sleeping bag and pillow back on top and grabbed two extra swords and when no one was looking I tossed them into the lava. I grabbed a tall case and grabbed a bow. I started firing at the Case and watched as the supplies fell as the last arrow hit the target.

Finnick d4 pov

I wander through the training center, finding some weapons, which I took the time to destroy, making sure the unarmed tributes say unarmed. I find a big glass room, with peacekeepers surrounding it. I take the risk and enter the room. I find a big red button and hit it. A timer appears overhead with 1 hour, and the peacekeepers take their guns and hopefully go to kill the others.

Ethan Rindof, age 18

The other guys and I sat in the pool, using the extra shorts we found in the cornucopia for bathing suits. As we were enjoying ourselves I heard a noise. I heard a gunshot and looked over to see one of the district 2 boys had been shot. Emerson and I ran into the bathroom and redied our knives as the pool water turned red. One of the peacekeepers entered the bathroom and we quickly took him down. We ran after where the others ran the peacekeepers disappeared as we left. I looked around to see a dead girl in the cornucopia. 3 canons sounded. The rest of our group traveled north and found a big maze. We decided to enter, hoping to find tributes. We kept going until we were officially lost. We found a room with a glass box and decided to stay there. We waited until the dead were shown and it was a pretty bad day.




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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