When You and Venom Found Out About Age Regression

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Your POV

(Age: 16)

Venom and I were just browsing YouTube when I see something interesting and I click it. It said something about age regression and it spiked an interest in Venom and me so we searched it up and found out more about it.

"Hey Venom, do you think this would help with our situation right now?" I ask him while reading through the article I had just clicked on.

"Maybe, we could try it out and see how it goes," Venom says and I nod heading to the store but was stopped by my father.

"Runt where are you?" He says and I stop and look at him.

"I'm going to the store father," I say not being specific as to what store we were going to. "Since your going out you brat buy me some more alcohol and we need some groceries so get that too!" my drunken father says throwing his wallet and us and we catch it flawlessly and leave the house.

"You know you can take the money and run away, right?" Venom asks. "Yes I know but they would fund us and punish me," I say walking down the streets.

"Yeah your right, can we get chocolate while we are out here?" Venom asks. "Sure, I'm kinda in the mood for chocolate anyways," I say and walk into the grocery store and get the things for my father.










When we were finished with that when head to the kids' store and got two pacifiers, two teddies, and two bottles. "Anything else you want to get Venom?" I ask him looking around a little.

"Sensory toys, it might help with our anxiety," Venom says and you nod grabbing a few sensory toys.






I headed to check out and the lady at the front desk had a normal look like people my age naturally get these types of things but I didn't question it and paid for everything and left heading home.








When we got home I used my demon quirk to teleport our stuff to our room and enter the house and rest all of the things in the kitchen and back them away quietly as to not wake my father up and get beat as I usually would.





When we had finished I enter the room and sat down on my bed at opened the bag with the pacifiers and stuff in it.

I take out one of the pacifiers and use my quirk to make it a little bigger and Venom pops his head out and I hold out the pacifier that I had made bigger and Venom takes it and you take out yours and say "Now or never."

Third Person POV

You and Venom both put the pacifier in your mouths and you both felt a tingly sensation and immediately took out the pacifiers from your mouths.

"You felt that too right!" Venom and you say but you not yelling it and with less emotion. "Yeah," the both of you say.

"One more time and if it feels right we'll try it every night and if it feels off or wrong we'll stop, okay?" You say and Venom nods and the both of you put back the pacifiers in your mouths and fall asleep.

Their Broken Mate {Mha/Bnha my au reader x various}Where stories live. Discover now