A walk in the woods

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A/N: edits for grammar and parts I don't like(please don't judge, I'm never satisfied with my work)

Vio waved Swap goodbye as he finally left the house from their hang out. Swap would occasionally visit from time to time to check up on him.

"Byee! I'll see you tomorrow!" Swap excitedly yelled, Vio chuckled, "Bye Swap" he returned as Swap hurried over to the fluorescent portal, it's blueish color pulsing in and out as gold particles surrounded it.

✨//Vio's(Lust) POV//✨

Within the portal stood Dream, he flashed a smile at me and waved as Blue stepped into the portal. It then slowly began to close in front of them, though I didn't wait for it, turning to my kitchen I closed the door behind me and was about to leave before pausing.

I glanced back at the door, the sun still shining bright through the window, I hummed softly in thought before grabbing my keys and my coat and walking out the door. (Btw, Vio doesn't live in his Au, he moved out and lives in a peaceful cabin in a random abandoned Au)

I summoned a portal, it's blue color engulfing me before stepping through onto the plush white snow before me, the land didn't change but the trees grew and towered over me its tall thimble branches turning to plush pine.

I inhaled deeply, my brows(?) Furrowing together. It feels so nice to be away from home and have a deep breath. I trudged through the growing forest taking in the colorful sight of the pudgy birds twitching as they pecked at trees and the rolling cotton like clouds that covered the world like a blanket.

//3rd Person//

As Vio continued his stroll, he was abruptly stopped when a murder(hehe) of crows scattered throughout the forest, bringing his attention to his right.

In the clearing stood a shadow, a huge one that loomed over the small puddle of water in the clearing in which it connected to a frozen lake nearby.

It terrified Vio but he stayed still as to not draw attention to himself, letting out a small gulp as the figure shifted in the snow. Vio quietly stared until the figures head snapped up, it's crimson eyelight shining brightly.

He gasped slightly and stared at the figure in a botched attempt figure out who it was. Vio's breath hitched as he came to the realization, that it was Horror.

He was always told to stay away from him, or anyone in the bad sanses matter of fact, Dream always feared someone getting hurt or kidnapped by them so he just resorted to having everyone stay away from them in general. But that didn't matter because..

He was right there. Staring at him. And... Walking towards him.

He snapped out of his trance as Horror began walking towards Vio. He stared in horror(ooh ✨wordplay✨) as he took a step back, he spun on his heel bolting in the opposite direction, unaware of what lies just a few feet ahead of him.

✨//Vio's(Lust) POV//✨

I ran, and ran AND RAN, until I couldn't feel the ground anymore, all I felt was fear and...cold? I felt the cold water engulf me, my plum colored coat floating away from me as I sunk, my eyes growing heavy. All I felt....was


Art: @ren_02hxwrww on Twitter!
(Hey guys!! This is my first time EVER making a fanfic, it's quite an interesting experience to say the least. But anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did!)

~Aiety the author

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