Chapter 20

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Only after repeatedly apologising did Caius finally forgive my disruption of their date. He was still annoyed with me though.

Oh well.

I found out that my sister-in-law's name was Florence. Caius told me that she was mute, so she didn't say anything to me. I felt I bit suspicious of that because I had seen her whispering into my brother's ears during my brief career as a spy.

Maybe she felt insecure about her voice...?


But that was between the two of them so I didn't really think much about it.

She was really tall as well, as tall as my brother.

Again, I marveled at the growth cycle of the beings of this world, which Ciel, unfortunately, seemed to be left out of.

Even though sister-in-law didn't like to speak, she still listened to my blabbering, giving me a soft smile here and there. However, Caius seemed to take my intrusion to heart because he was very adamant about me leaving them alone as soon as possible.

I was pretty hurt about that to be honest but I tried to see it from his point of view and thought that I would be pretty annoyed by someone barging into my date as well.

So I decided to apologise to Caius in private later to clear the air between us.

With that in mind I went to the auction house where I had decided to meet up with Oswald and Odelia.

By the time I had arrived, the auction house was already packed. Thankfully my companions had saved me a seat. I sat down beside Odelia, who was sandwiched between Oswald and I. Our servants, some were stationed outside and only one or two had followed us inside.

The auction hadn't started yet so I was just munching on the snacks that the two of them had bought after we had separated.

"Did you run into anyone on your way here?" Oswald asked out of the blue.

"No... Why?" I thought that maybe Oswald had seen my brother on his date.

"There was a fight on the west side!" It was Odelia who dramatically gave me an answer.

"Really? What for?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Don't know, anyway from what I heard, it was an attempted assassination. The people involved were all covered up from head to toe so no one knows who exactly it was. People are saying they may be from the neighbouring Kingdoms, though." Oswald said flippantly.

"Covered up...?" I thought about the man I had run into while tailing my brother.

It must be a coincidence... right?

"Was anyone injured?" I couldn't help myself from asking.

"None of the spectators were injured but a few displays were destroyed apparently. Don't know about the parties involved though, the result of the fight is anyone's guess. Why? Do you know them?" Oswald probed.

I bribed Odelia to shove her brother for me.

"Of course not!"

We bickered for a while before the auction started.

There were a lot of stuff being auctioned. Mostly plants but there were also pills and medicine being auctioned as well.

I didn't have much of an interest in any of them. I had already bought the plants that I wanted when I was wandering through the different displays.

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