Chapter 1: Shattered Island

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P.O.V: There was a pitch black screen...nothing in sight...until...

Eon V.O.: Spyro.....Spyro....wake up.....Skylands needs your help....Spyro....Spyro....SPYRO!!!

A purple Dragon who goes by the name of Spyro wakes up.

Spyro: AH! What happened?! Where's the core?! Did we win?! (He looks around realising that he was no longer where he previously was...) This is....strange...(turns around seeing his friends Gill Grunt and Trigger Happy both unconscious) (Gasps) GUYS!

Spyro shakes them to see if they were alive, they woke up.

Gill Grunt: Uhh.....what happened?

Trigger Happy: Hey....did we beat him?

Spyro: I don't think we did....the last thing I remember is seeing something above the core and there was an explosion...

Gill Grunt: Wait....what about the others?!

Trigger Happy: OH DEAR SKYLANDS!!! MY GOLD!!!

Spyro: That's all you're thinking about at a time like this?

The sounds of a strong wind and rocks crashing is heard

Gill Grunt: Umm....What was that?

Spyro: Sounds like something not good....let's go check it out...

They head to where the sound came from. Meanwhile through the skies where rocks were flying, what was the opposite direction was a hot air balloon.

Flynn: Wowsers look at all these balloons leaving, parking's Gonna be a snap!

Hugo: They're not just leaving, they're evacuating! Something is terribly wrong!

The hot air balloon proceeds to land on a bridge as it's captain Flynn looks at the flying rocks

Flynn: Ah! Well that explains the flying rocks!

The door of the hot air balloon folds open as Hugo aborts the it and on to the wooden bridge

Flynn: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Hugo: Just go, Flynn! Get to higher ground! I'll meet you on the other side of town!

Flynn: Oh righty-O. Good luck, Hugo.

Flynn proceeds to take off in his Hot Air Balloon, while he does so Hugo looks at his book and heads to the island with a windmill.

Hugo: Master Eon said help will be coming. He said to be right here...First the Core explodes, then I start hearing voices - and NOW I'm in the middle of a village being ripped apart by who-knows-what...Clearly I am losing my mind.

Meanwhile Hugo was talking Spyro, Gill Grunt and Trigger Happy had got to the island he was on.

Spyro: Hugo! Umm...are you okay?

Hugo: Not now Spyro I- WOAH! Spyro! Gill Grunt! Trigger Happy! You're alive!

Spyro: Huh....that's right...I guess we are.

Hugo: Yep, I of course, never doubted it for a second, heh.

Gill Grunt: Ok first thing's first, *looks at the damaged islands* WHAT THE HECK HAS HAPPENED HERE?!?!

Hugo: I wish I had the time to explain, but we have much to do, this village needs our help!

Spyro: *looks over* This looks like a job for us, huh guys?

Gill Grunt: Yes it does.

Trigger Happy: Uh huh!

Spyro: Alright, let's go!

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