Part 2

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I. In my bunk just finished my opening Act and I got bored so I get up and get dressed putting on black ripped jeans, vans, black hoodie and a snapback. I grab my skateboard and go outside. There there isn't a skatepark around but there are curbs by the side walk and hills I'll do my best with those. I start skating towards the curbs and I Ollie onto it and grind I then do a kick flip off the curb. I did this for an hour. I then finish I didn't realize Kirstin was watching me
I laugh and start riding my board back to the bus. I got to Kirstin who was outside the door watching me. "You did amazing" she says smiling I chuckle and thank her we then go in the bus together. When we go in the bus we see the guys singing about fried chicken I start laughing and Kirstin just joins them. I go to my buck putting my board into it and I get interuppted by my phone it's my girlfriend ugh. I'm so over her she is so controlling over me. "Hello" I answer and she starts yelling I have to pull the phone away from my ear. "Why didn't you text me this morning you fucking slut are you cheating on me!?" She yells and I look down. "No I'm not cheating I love you ok?" I reply and the group in the next room look at me. "I ignore it and listen to my girlfriend Paige. "Why the fuck didn't you text me then such a fucking useless bitch I fucking hate you when you come home you're in trouble and I'm taking your fucking phone away. Also stay the fuck away from Kirstin I see how she looks at you you're mine do you fucking understand me?" She say I then reply "yes I understand I'll stop hanging out with kirstie." I say Paige yells again "oh so now you have a fucking nickname for her are you fucking kidding me fucking slut!" She yells I feel a tear roll down my face. "Are you fucking listening to me or are you kissing Kirstin?!" She asks yelling. "Yes I'm listening" I say "yes what?" She asks "yes daddy I'm listening" I sigh and she hangs up. I wipe my tears and go into the bathroom and sob for a while. I then hear a knock at the door and I calm down and open it. I see Kirstin standing on the other side. I sigh and look at her. "Can you come outside with me please" she asks and I follow her out. I lean on the bus and stands in front of me. "I heard your girlfriend talking you accidentally put it on speaker hun" she says and I look down mentally slapping myself. "Hey look at me please." I look up and see a tear roll down her cheek. "You can't let her talk to you like that hun you are worthy I promise yes I like you. Just cause she tells you you can't hang out with someone you don't have to listen hun she can't control your life" she says and I chuckle "you don't understand kirstie" I say and she looks at me confused "what do you mean" she asks and I look down and sigh "she hits me..." I whisper. "How?" She asks and I start crying. "Well if she knew for one we kissed yesterday she would probably break my neck. Or punch my face and bust my lip I don't know or lock me in the closet" I say shyly. Kirstin stays silent. "I love you y/n, I'll do anything in my power to make you happy and safe you need to leave Paige I know it's hard she's a damn phsyco path. But please break you phone if you have to I'll get you a knew one with a new number anything at all get rid of her please you deserve so much better. You are beautiful and sweet caring I love you so much it hurts me to see you in pain every night she calls you just to degrade you that's not love y/n." She says and I cry and hug her sobbing into her shoulder she wraps her arms around my waist rubbing my back. After 15 minutes I calm down and look at Kirstin. "I'll do it but please help me I'm scared." I say and she smiles. "Give me your phone" she says holding out her hand. I put it in her hand. "Ready?" She asks "wait let me get my important contacts first" I say and she smiles. After 30 minutes of me writing them all down other than Paige's number I then let Kirstin break my phone slamming it on the concrete. I then check it, nope it's broke. I then go into the bus and Kirstin and I watch a movie. "So I have a question..." Kirstins says breaking the silence. "Yeah?" I reply "would you let me take you on a date?" She asks and I get immediately nervous. "I think I'll need time to work on myself first and get over Paige" I say and Kirstin nods and pulls me into her we cuddle and continue with our movie eating popcorn. Every once in a while rather she will feed me or I'll feed her.

Opening Act - Kirstin Maldonado /youWhere stories live. Discover now