Introducing Roselight and Chillight

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"Darcy, if you really want to take pressure off your sister as the next heir of Dyamond asked to be her Royal Advisor, they're pretty wise." stated Sapphire.

"She'd say I'm not smart enough, Sapphire." mumbled Darcy sadly.

"I know who can help you learn," said Sapphire. "Come on, let's first visit the current Royal Advisor, scribe, and event organizer Chillight himself."

She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to my Mother's best friend's room.

"Good Afternoon, Chillight," Sapphire replied. "This is my second eldest sister, Princess Darcy, she would like to learn how to help run a kingdom so she can be Icy's Royal Advisor when they're older. Could you help teach her?"

"Of course, and you can tell me a little bit more about your sisters, Darcy too." says Chillight. "But I sense that's not the only reason you came here is it, Sapphire?"

"Yep, we need help making an exquisite potion from all natural ingredients for the Valentine's potions contest, Darcy's the best at potion making."

"Ah, an exceptional witch alchemist that's a rare talent, my Royal lady. Come on let's see what potion books we have to learn from, my Princesses. Roselight, can you fetch my favorite all natural potion books from our library."

"Sure thing, Father, Good Afternoon, Princesses, Darcy and Sapphire nice to finally meet you. Icy was so worried about you a day ago." stated Roselight. "I've never seen a Princess worry like your older sisters do, Sapphire. There's a couple things you can do to show off the beautiful landscape of your lovely home, colorful color changing liquid potions, density potion where objects are frozen in place where liquid still moves, Glowing Ice potions or Dancing Rice Potions. And so many more. But we can talk more about that."

"I heard you went to Alfea Academy a few years ago and you dropped out of classes but stuck around to do maintenance work why?" asked Darcy. "What was Alfea like?"

"Boring actually all the students do in class is mostly argue back and forth instead of listening to most of the Professor the one Professor you can't avoid listening to is Professor Palladium he knows everything before he even sees it. Best not to offend him, and it wasn't maintenance work he asked me to a potion assistant for awhile so I stayed for that, but I dropped out of my other classes the teachers kept expecting me to be this fabulous fairy like my Ancestor was and that was more annoying than I could ever tell them." sighs Roselight rolling her eyes. "Especially Griselda in Defense Class my Ancestor was the best defense fairy when Faragonda first started at Alfea Academy. You'd shine like no other if you use your potion job on the side to help heal many injuries of the Dyamond people. The Flight Guardianship Squad could use more healing potions. So many ship crashes lately and too many injuries that we aren't able to do much about."

"Thanks for the suggestion, Roselight." Darcy stated. "I will see what I can whip up for those warriors such a shame that the royals aren't doing more for them. Icy made a very good friend choice in you as I see you really do care unlike some folk do."

"Darcy, some people act mean when they're jealous simply because they have been taught to be okay with someone having something that they don't have and Icy isn't my only friend I have in the palace. Circles of friends can grow as big as we want them to, you two are my friends too."

And now three more appeared in the mirror, Lette, Anne and Serta.

"You girls are too good to me; you went up above and beyond the last fairy motto."

"Who says fairies always had to hate witches?" inquires Anne laughing a little. "It's an old wives' trend even Faragonda has a witch friend drives Saladdin nuts with that fact that he is so stubborn about witches. I help those who are in witches and fairies whether they be naughty or nice for sometimes all that is needed to turn a naughty mischievous person around is a deed of friendly kindness otherwise they never encounter the other side of the world that used to be so invisible to you. You came into my life and I can't forget you ever, Darcy because any friends of my roomie are friends of mine too."

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