Issue #2

340 5 2

(I do not own the characters or pictures of this story)


(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/N)'s Mask & Ninja Suit: (I don't own this picture)

(Y/N)'s Mask & Ninja Suit: (I don't own this picture)

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(Y/N)'s Hero name is "Drifter"

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(Y/N)'s Hero name is "Drifter"

'Apostrophes before and after sentences': This is for your thoughts.

"< >": Used for when you're using a different language.


Staten Island
New York

It has been two weeks since you had joined the Champions. It's nighttime and you are at a warehouse that seems to belong to Erebus. Before you joined the Champions, you made Erebus a top priority. You got the tip from one of your other friends about the warehouse. You see that there are multiple men hauling drugs, guns, weapons, laser guns, scrolls, relics, runes, and weird artifacts. They are hauling everything into vans and trucks. You see that the men are about to move the equipment. You touch a comm link in your ear and speak to the people on the other end.

Drifter: Are you guys in position?

???: 'on comm' I'm on the rooftop near the window.

???: 'on comm' I'm at the front door.

Drifter: Alright. I'm inside and out of sight. When the door opens. You know what to do.

???: On it.

You listen to the men conversate.

Erebus member: What do we need scrolls for?

Erebus magician: We need the scrolls to unlock the magic and missing pieces we need for our goal.

The magician's hand glows a darkish-purple color from the scroll. You touch your comm set and tells one of your crew members about the Erebus members.

Marvel Comics: The Lonesome Drifter (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now