Ch.5: The Demon

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"Hello?" he barely whispered. "I-I am Skylos the Brave, sh-show thyself," he faltered, staring fearfully in the eyes of the demon. "Damn thee demon. In the name of Hell I damn thee back to your Realms. I damn thee's blood to boil and rot away from the inside. I will not fall to my knees before thee!" the boy, now proclaimed Skylos stammered, but stood his ground nonetheless. The demon opened it's mouth and his breath quickened.

"Mrow?" the demon called. Skylos laughed, sighing with relief. It was a cat, scrawny and short-haired perched atop a bench.

"Cat, you scared me half to death! Come, I will get you food and water," Skylos said, motioning for the cat to follow him. She must have understood, for she dropped easily to the ground and padded after the boy who shuffled awkwardly, keeping the boots on his feet.

As he walked up the steps with the cat following at his heels and weaving between his shins linked to him by the promise of food, he realized he felt the weight of exhaustion on his shoulders. His stomach growled abruptly and he smiled bitterly. 'I didn't forget about you,' he assured it. He gave the cat a few small chunks of bread and filled the container with some of his water after leaning his sword against the corner opposite of the broom. The cat ate and drank greedily and Skylos smiled.

"You need a name, demon," the boy said softly, petting the cat absent-mindedly. "What about Lucifer?" The cat was silent. "Asmodeus?" The cat was again silent. "Meztli?" The cat gave him a look as though asking, 'Really?'. Skylos laughed at the look and thought some more. "Baphomet?" The cat turned her back and began cleaning herself. The boy persisted. "Hecate?" The cat licked herself. "Sedit?" The cat licked her paw without looking up. "Typhon?" The cat switched paws. "Mictian?" The cat stretched. "Bast?" The cat's ears pricked up and she let out a small purr. "Bast it is, then," Skylos said firmly. Bast and the boy curled up beneath the tarp, avoiding the knife point as they warmed each other's cold, skinny bones.

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