Final Words From The Writer

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And so now, dear Reader, you have read the complete past tale of our Storyteller, as told by the Writer. I do hope this was much more uplifting than the last. Of course, this is not his final adventure. But it will be his final adventure as our boy, I am sure of that.

From henceforth, he is no longer truly under my control, as he's taken his own tale into his hands. I must admit, this Story is rather shocking to me as well and I am sure that while the ending is not a happy one, it is neither a wicked end to such a lovely tale.

Our Storyteller; our poor, dear Storyteller -- who I'm afraid is no longer ours -- will lead himself on a fine venture next I'm sure. I do hope he does not resent me too much for the past I crafted for him.

I will begin the next Story soon, I hope. Or rather, he will begin his own Story. His true Story. The one that each loss and each scar has led to. I would love if you'd accompany me, dear Reader, on his journey. I fear I may not make it alone.

This has been the second part in the Storyteller series.

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