summary of season one and two

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after a bunch of internal struggle, i have finally decided that i will just skip to season three. as much as i love the first two season, it is extremely hard to write because the plot is difficult to mess with. i have a few ideas for madison that i think would be really cool. 

without further ado, here's the summary.

As the trio and Derek try to figure out who the Alpha is and how to control themselves on a full moon, Madison notices many things about her supernatural powers and abilities that differed from Scott and Derek's. She got frequent visions and flashbacks that guided her through the supernatural threats. Her strength also seemed to be able to be controlled and handled more easily than Scott on a full moon. According to the other McCall twin, whenever she got too angry, her eye shone a bright gray. 

Her abilities were pushed to the side when they were informed that the Argent family had figured out what she was. The adults had kept it a secret from Allison, who continued being friends with Madison. 

Eventually, the Alpha had revealed themself as a vengeful Peter Hale. 

In order to lure in the Alpha, the Argent hunters had grabbed a hold of Derek as the teenagers went to get ready for the winter dance. Allison had forced Madison to go with Stiles as a way to get the two together, and Olivia and Lydia went together (Madison and the strawberry blonde are still not on good terms). But something seems to happen, leaving the Stilinski boy in heartbreak.

Madison stood him up, at least that's what he thought. What really happened was the McCall twin had been kidnapped by Kate Argent and was now being used as a bait and punching bag alongside Derek.

Olivia Lahey, however, knew better. Leaving Lydia behind (a huge mistake btw), the Lahey girl takes off to find Madison. Lydia sulks with Stiles and, somehow, gets the boy to confess his crush on the McCall girl.

Soon, Allison finds out the truth about werewolves and all the supernatural stuff when Kate brings her to the basement where Madison and Derek were kept, sweaty and exhausted. It hurt the Argent teen to leave her friend in that state, but she was blinded by the betrayal of her best friend and the manipulation of Kate. 

As Madison gets electrocuted and tortured, something inside her triggers, bringing all the memories from her previous life back, even when she was present in the Vampire Diaries. It all made sense now to her, the visions of the red scerla and such were her own mind trying to remind her of the past. Although, the new characters and abilities were still left a complete mystery.

Now, with the knowledge of the next season, Madison waits for Scott to rescue them, but to her surprise, Olivia accompanied him.

Madison had let Peter kill Kate himself, but she struggled to decide if she should let Kate die or become a were-jaguar. Unfortunately, Madison didn't get to choose because, sooner than the show, Gerard arrived and made sure no one was to be near the body.

At the end of season one, Peter Hale and Kate Argent were dead... temporarily. Derek was the Alpha, who bit Jackson despite Madison's long rant and threats to prevent him from doing so. Allison had apologized to both McCall twins for how she and her aunt acted. Lydia had gotten attacked by Peter and was hospitalized.

Everything was set for season two.

This is when things became a lot more intense.

Madison apologized profusely for standing Stiles up, who in turn reassured her that she wasn't hurt by her actions since she had no control over what happened. They were now back to being best friends (with a smidge of flirting on Madison's part).

Lydia goes missing from the hospital. Madison let it happen because she was busy stopping Derek from biting anyone. It irked her that she couldn't stop Lydia, but the timing between events was unknown to her. 

Eventually, they find the girl and Madison knew that the banshee side of her was unleashed. 

Then, the kanima came into the chessboard. 

Immediately, Madison threw suspicion on Jackson and Matt. To her surprise, Scott blindly agreed to her. Using the knowledge she had from the show, Madison had gotten Derek to believe her and they had stopped the kanima before Gerard got to it. 

Jackson, similar to the show, had left for London as soon as he learned how to be a werewolf mixed with a kanima. 

Now, when it comes to betas, Derek didn't listen. He had bitten everyone he did in the show, plus Olivia. Madison almost went feral and attacked him, her eyes turning gray yet again. This led her to Deaton, who said that he would look at the beastiary for any hints as to what she could be. 

Gerard was still a problem, but using the same plan as Scott did in the show, Madison had eliminated him for the time being. She knew that he was partially helpful in season five, so she let him be, but reminded herself to kill him as soon as the Beast of Gueavidan was defeated. 

This ended the season early, with about two months until the sophomore year ended and the Alpha pack to arrive.

Madison now had time to finally look for her new abilities. Deaton had told her what she was after a few weeks of research.


This term refers to a supernatural creature with extremely strong powers. Some consider them witches. Some don't.

They have most of the qualities of a witch and more. They can compel humans and witches. They are immune to the voice of a siren. They have the power to stop the devil if they wanted.

They can also bring back the dead with no consequences, as long as they have a good reason.

But everyone must have a weakness.

A sorceress' weakness is the darker version of themselves. In the rare chance that it comes up, the darker version of themselves will begin to haunt them until the victim finally caves in and lets the dark magic consume them. 

When they begin to haunt the sorceress, another dark being shall wake, they are called a nogitsune. The nogitsune will choose a victim that is close to the sorceress. Once both victims have given up, they both begin to terrorize.

On the off chance that this happens, protect yourselves. 

After a few weeks, Madison had mastered her magic. But when she was distracted by her powers, Erica and Boyd had been kidnapped by the Alpha pack. 

Now, she was filled with guilt that fueled her and got her ready for season three. Although, one disadvantage for her was that she had stopped watching before the end of season three a. 

At the end of season two, everything had been set for the next. 

okaaaayyyy... that was the summary. there might be a few questions you guys have, so feel free to ask them, i will try my best to answer them. 


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