Chapter 12: The Quest, Part II

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Umm hey, y'all...
Y'all: oh so NOW you wanna update? Leave us hanging for MONTHS, everybody's all but cussed you out on here, but go off...🙄
Me: I can explain...
Y'all: SAVE IT.

I swear I haven't abandoned this story and as promised, I bring you an update! Yay? No? Okay, I get it...too soon. Please enjoy while I try to make all of you some apology pastries.

Chapter 13: The Quest, Part II

Mer POV:

Things were going as well as expected, all things considered. I was beginning to feel my baby grow and thrive, the nightmares were still present, but I had Addie to keep me grounded, and my interns....well, at least Lexie wasn't a total dud. Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same for the rest of them. Changes were imminent at Seattle grace, starting with the Head of Neuro position going to Derek's cool sister Amelia. She was a breath of fresh air despite her shared DNA and although I wanted to dislike ANYONE who had a connection to McDreary (thank you very much, Cristina), I simply couldn't. She knew what her brother did and refused to speak to him without their mother present. I was pleasantly surprised when I learned of that bit of information from Addie, My trial was in two days, and I was petrified of what could happen. I knew Derek could very well charm the jury into believing his bullshit. Despite Alex's near-flawless conviction rate. I tried not to dwell on the 'what ifs' for far too long, but that was easier said than done. "Earth to Grey! Anyone home?" Apparently, Cristina was talking and I missed it.

"I'm sorry, what?" She rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "I was asking how things were going with you and Satan? You seem tense." I wanted to lie, but Cristina is my person and can read me like a book, so trying to lie would be pretty pointless. "I'm just nervous. All I can think about is the baby and the trial, and will you stop calling her that? Despite what Izzie and the rest of this gossipy hospital may think, you and I both know that Addison is the furthest thing from Satanic." It was true, well, mostly true, unless anyone spoke ill of me and "the Spawn" (Addie's name for the baby), then Satan would be summoned immediately. "I guess you haven't heard the latest then, huh?" Oh God, what else? "What are you talking about?" Cristina let a slow smirk grace her features before speaking. "Apparently, one of the sisters McDreary had a LOT to say about you and the trial. Nancy and Lizzie think you're 'crying rape' to try and make Derek look bad and destroy his career." I could feel my cheeks burn with rage. I never liked either of them...Amelia was always worth at least 15 of them and they always treat her like the black sheep, something I could relate to. Nancy and Lizzie are the judgiest of the Shepherd clan, so it was absolutely no surprise at all that they would be Team Derek. "What did Addie do?" Cristina gave an approving smirk. "The real question would be what didn't she do?" Before I could respond to that, Addie approached our table with an ice pack covering her 'million dollar hand' "Did your twisted sister give you the details or do I need to explain why I need the ice pack?" There is no way that Addison Montgomery punched someone. No, no way in hell. She can dress down an intern with her unique way with words, but I've never seen her get physical with anyone. "Addie, what did you.." "Let's just say that Lizzie Shepherd is gonna have a vivid and painful reminder to keep that fucking judgmental mouth of hers
shut." That's when I saw her...Lizzie Shepherd with a bloody nose, being taken to a private room with Bailey and the Chief glaring icy daggers at Addie's back. "Cristina, I'll call you tonight. Addison, you, me, an on-call room....right NOW." I grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the table. "Bye, Satan!
nice right cross by the way!" Addie actually fucking chuckled at that. Jesus. I'll kill Cristina for that comment later.

I practically shoved Addie into the on-call room and gave her my best impression of 'Bailey-eyes' before demanding, "Talk. What did you do?"

Addie POV

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