angelic masterminds.

573 55 6

i don't do feelings.
his hands felt so good running through my hair.
and i'm too greedy
our hands feel perfect intertwined.
to only want her.
and i'm just waiting for him to make me mine
any girl can provide sex
he looks down at me with those big brown eyes
but, somehow it's so much more than pussy.
and kisses my cheek as his hands roam my thighs
her sweet vanilla scent fills my nose
i smile and blush; he makes my heart feel so fine
and i smile right back
but my love for him cannot be explained in just one line
this is getting too deep.
i feel too much, he feels too little
i can't believe what she's done
compared to mine, his heart is too brittle
it's like she's goddamn intoxicating.
but he is mine, this spirit can transcend
i'm getting too attached.
i hope that this never ends.

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