13. May the fish drown

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Chapter 13: May The Fish Drown

"YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS" I screamed, pushing him into the water as my fingers tightened around his neck attempting to suffocate him.

My goal was to drown him to death but unfortunately I too was suffocating and drowning.

"YUN! YUN CALM DOWN!!!" I was so blinded by rage I didn't even see the merman tail which had grown on Jungkook.

My death grip on him loosened as I tried running away but remembered I was instead sinking deeper into the water.

I panicked as the lack of oxygen was taunting me along with the fishtail monster behind me.

I'm going to die today aren't I??!

He stealthily swam in front of me which caught me off guard and caused me to lose yet even more air with the panic, "Yuna it's me, it's Jungkook. Don't be scared, I won't harm you." His eyes pleaded as he tried to get me to calm down.

I ignored his pleads and continued trying to swim up to get some oxygen but he grabbed my hand seizing my movements and trapping me to his side, I felt so much fear in that one moment I ended up farting.

Is he going to drown me and then kill me?

He giggled at the little bubbles behind me while I actually almost passed out.

It's NOT funny.

"You can breathe underwater, that's why I pecked your lips." He grinned in a taunting way.


I glared at him in disbelief but tried to inhale just to see and to my luck it was a burning sensation.

Absolutely horrible.

Damned bastard is actually trying to kill me.

He laughed at my pain, "yeah... the first few breaths are always the worse but it'll get better." I glared at him but listened since I knew I didn't have the strength to make it back to the surface therefore I continued attempting to breathe under water.

After a few hesitate inhales and painful exhales I could actually breathe comfortably under water...

That doesn't mean I forgive him though.

"A warning would've been nice." I spat.

Despite my murderous glare he seemed happier and giddier than ever.

Damned rat.

"Come on" he grabbed my hand and began swimming further down into the darkness of the ocean.

"Where are we going?" My tone was more threatening than it was curious.

He could be taking me to his village to be offered as a sacrifice for all I know.

"To my home- well not exactly. I don't want you to meet the other sirens just yet." I glared at him as he spoke to show my distrust but I went along with him nonetheless.

To his home? Please, where is that? Kelp Land?

What the hell could be in Kelp Land?

Saltopia? United Oceans of the Sea, state: New Kelp Land, City: Saltnas- Kelpnas??? Zip code: 030303, get it? The numbers 03 together kind of look like a fish lol.

I scoffed once I realized how distracted I became and continued swimming but Jungkook was too quick for me with that immense tail.

Plus it's so cold for literally no reason.

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