Chapter 2: Luckily

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'I'm so proud of you.'

'You should have told me,' Katsuki sets his backpack on the sleek dining chair, looking on the tampered glass table to refocus. The whine of a boiling pot from the kitchen, the footsteps of his mom strutting to the dining room, and his dad's slow breaths beside.

'That would have ruined the surprise,' his dad says, leaning in to ruffle Katsuki's hair. Coming close to bruising his innocent scalp in the process, 'I thought you would have been excited.'

'No, it's stupid. The guy in charge talks so much.'

'Well, of course. They had to introduce you first.' his dad peels his hand away from Katsuki's disordered hair.

'It's starting in a week,' his mom barges in with the confidence of a fox to a rabbit, 'you go after school.'

'I go after...' Katsuki processes this new information, gripping onto the straps of his backpack like a comforting hand, 'after school? I go to Deku's house after school.'

'Told you to stop calling the Midoriya kid that.'

'He calls me Kacchan!' Katsuki retorts, stubbornly keeping to the dining chairs, 'and I don't want to go.'

They feel so tall, and the finality is clear as steel in mom's voice, 'You're going and that's the end of it.'

His dad looks to his mom, and his mom doesn't catch his stare, so he looks to Katsuki. Katsuki gives the best puppy dog eyes possible and his dad opens his mouth to compromise, 'You're going at least three times, and if you don't like it—'

'Too bad, so sad,' then his mom walks away calmly, the way one might walk down a red carpet. Her walk is always like that, it frustrates Katsuki to no end. Because whenever she walks like that it means he's lost.

'You can't make me go there!'

She ignores him, continuing her model sashay down to the kitchen. Leaving through the doorless arch she came from, and swinging away behind the walls. Probably tending to the whiny pot.

His dad sends Katsuki this apologetic look that's erased by a kind, compromising smile. 'You'll meet more kids than Izuku.'

'I have friends other than Deku!' Katsuki shouts.

'Shout at your dad again!' That hag screams from the kitchen.

Katsuki's voice pipes down, 'They're just annoying. And stupid. I mean, Deku's stupid and annoying too but...'

'The kids there won't be stupid and annoying,' his dad replies, too tired to bother correcting, 'they're all like you, right?'

'There's nobody like me,' Katsuki frowns, 'because I'm going to be number one.'

'Some kids want to be number one in other professions...'

'I don't care about other professions.'

'But special program will help you enter a good hero school.'

'I'm not looking for a good hero school. I'm only entering U.A., that isn't some good hero school.'

His dad sighs, the strong smile of compromise cracking like stale clay, 'Most of the special program students enter really prestigious schools, and if you turn them down, they might not pick you again when you need it. Like credits for high school.'

'U.A starts at high school.'

'It would look good in your application before high school.'

'So what? I don't need to enter geek school to look good,' he bares his palms, opening them to the air and flashing his sparky quirk. Explosions, purposely tiny, but even small sparks don't halt the intense stench of lit nitroglycerin. His dad, used to it though, barely cringes.

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