Chapter 3: Prospective

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'Isn't that so fun?' the old man asks, eyes alight, 'we're going to get you new notebooks!'

'Why?' Katsuki cringes, already knowing the answer.

'The special program,' he says breathlessly, 'so exciting, mhm? Just me and you, son and dad time!'

'I'm not going to the special program, so there's no point,' Katsuki explains, 'and I just got back from school, it's not fair you're driving off to shop without me knowing!'

'Your mom already said so, buddy.'

'And whatever she says is apparently the law,' Katsuki snaps, 'you know what systems like this are called? A dictatorship!'

'Yes, and it'll be exactly like that until you turn eighteen.' He sounds just like her, which makes Katsuki shut up. To think. He'll be right back the moment he has something witty.

Katsuki slides closer to his car window, leaning to see the cars on a triple road and the trees far off. Upset that this is actually happening, will there even be a way to convince them?

He seriously doubts it. With the way things are looking, they might just boot him off to some obscure boarding school too. The type that breeds military kids. Katsuki shivers at the thought alone, he wants to be a hero, not some buff guy in a camo suit awaiting death on his next trip! But then again, with world peace being enforced with some deal about North Korea during something with the quirk war, Katsuki's pretty sure soldiers are a thing of the past...

But heroes aren't too different from them.

Katsuki hates the fact he disproves all of his worries by reasoning, so he starts being unreasonable, 'If you don't want me around you can just say so.'

The old man frowns, shifting the front car mirror to get a better view of Katsuki, slumping in the back, 'Hey, kiddo, you know we love you.'

'Then turn this car around!'

'No can do,' The old man says, shaking his head.

'Yes you can! You're at the wheel!'

'Your mom would kill me if I came back empty handed, I'm in the same situation as you, Katsu.'

'Don't call me that when I'm mad at you!!'

The old man mumbles something along the lines of like mother like son.


The back to school isle is still standing, like an empty, ready to be swept away section in the store. A weak attempt to garner money from the even weaker, and Katsuki's old man must be the weakest person on the earth. Interestedly flapping through neon notebooks, searching for a way to make this the least bit fun, but he does a horrid job at it. 'Wow! Katsu, look at this? So fun! Oh wow! Such a nice notebook, all those kids would be looking at you with a pencil sharpener like this. It's so sparkly, Mhm?'

At this point, Katsuki is desperately struggling against the controls of his brain, which orders him to tell his father to shut up. As he obnoxiously headlines a pencil case, with far more enthusiasm than Katsuki could even fake, Katsuki stalks away. Easy as that, strolling into one of the open aisles, away from wherever the old man chats up with school utensils. The funniest part is how he doesn't even realize Kstsuki's there, but he's still using his name as if it is.

Fighting down giggles, Katsuki rushes on through the store. Running the moment the old man's out of earshot. Being away from his side is like a breath of fresh air and the roll of carts hurrying to avoid a collision of kid and metal, Katsuki keeps on speeding around. There's nothing better than having a whole superstore to yourself, and Katsuki truly does have a wondrous idea.

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