You are my moon

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It was dark outside, and Chaeryeong had already decided to leave, she wanted to leave. If it wasn't for one woman leaving her in hesitation.

The only person making her stay in the biggest event yet. The ballroom full of people, beautiful dresses, and men in suits she wished she could wear in public. Her dress had been chosen by her designer, telling her that it was the best choice.

Not too flashy but good enough to keep the guests satisfied.

She was standing at the end of the ballroom, the guests talking in a big blare of pointless conversation. And although the wine in her hand was only so that she could hold on to something and excuse herself at any moment, the red liquid itself reminded her of the starlight for tonight.

The girl who had turned 22 today and therefore the whole purpose of this event.

She had been staring at the older black-haired girl all night, knowing that she would never be able to walk up to her. Not here, not now.

Yeji was wearing a red dress, sticking out in the mass of people like an elegant rose in between thorns.

And both did a decent job at pretending. Pretending the other wasn't there. Pretending that there were not at least a dozen people watching them, hushed whispers flowing through the air.

They had all the right to talk, because Chaeryeong and Yeji had never been so far away from each other. After all, they were the kingdoms sweetest duo.

The King's daughter and the counsellor's daughter. A royal and a noble.

Their friendship started as a stunt, an attempt to cover up the King's scandal. It turned out to be perfect publicity. At first both hadn't liked the decision to make them act like the bestest of friends.

But after some time, the friendly agreement turned in to something more. They found comfort in each other. A real bond under the act.



A loud voice booming through the wide hollow of her room made the royal look up in utter surprise. She had been standing in the middle of her room, practising her speech for an announcement, when the redhead had invited herself into the older girl's room.

And before Yeji could register what was happening, a ball of red hair hit her and engulfed her in a big hug.

She didn't have to see the face of the newcomer to know to whom this bright hair colour belonged. And so, Yeji reciprocated the embrace almost immediately, snaking her arms loosely around the other girl's waist.

"Hi, Ryeong." She murmured, letting the scent of pine and wood hit her nose. Chaeryeong must have ridden her horse on the way back.

"How have you been? How was the visit?" Yeji asked, keeping Chaeryeong a second longer in her embrace.

And Chaeryeong didn't mind, not when the first thing she did after arriving was to look for the older.

Thus, the moment she felt the familiar warmth, melting into it instantly, Chaeryeong knew she finally had arrived home again.

"To be honest... it was fine. Although I was really bored." Chaeryeong replied, her voice muffled out into Yeji's sweater.

Chaeryeong had come back from a visit that had taken its place in one of the neighbouring countries. As the daughter of the counsellor, she was expected to accompany her dad. To learn how to become a great right hand to the next royal.

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