Be my one in the dark

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The night was young and the weather warm enough to stargaze, the wind only grazing their skin now and then.

Chaeryeong had been laying on Yeji's lap for a very long time when she noticed that the older girl was slowly drifting away from her. The noble loved laying down like this, she could admire Yeji without any disturbance. Here under the lonely stars on the wide roof of the small tower at the south-east of the palace. They had found this place accidently, drowned in a bubble they had built around each other. A secret, hidden well and safely secured in their hearts.

And although she loved Yeji's wild eyes, the ones she saw before the older would do something bold and prohibited, or that playful smirk, that left the noble totally speechless, Yeji's awestruck expression right in this moment was her favourite. How her eyes matched the atmosphere around, full of sparkle and glitter. Like a child watching the stars  for the first time.

But as Chaeryeong started to feel how Yeji's soft strokes in her hair slowly decreased and watched the content smile form into a small frown on Yeji's features, she unconciously mirrored the royal's expression.

"What are you thinking about?" She murmured, lifting her hand to caress Yeji's cheek. The royal smiled softly at the touch and melted directly into Chaeryeong's hand.

But her content smile seemed sad. "I am scared.... I know that we already talked about this, but it just won't leave my mind." She slowly turned her face to kiss Chaeryeong's palm.

The noble smiled, watching Yeji's lips touch her palm delicately. She couldn't see a lot from this low angle, but she surely felt a pout forming on Yeji's lips. "Don't be scared, Yeji. They won't."

"You don't know that..." She mumbled and sighed, her back slowly falling back against the roof's tiles, her hands resting behind her head while her eyelids closed.

Yeah, she loved this Yeji the most. The one that is vulnerable and won't hesitate to say what's on her mind, to let Chaeryeong into her mind.

Chaeryeong turned on to her left side, making herself comfortable on Yeji's lower abdomen before speaking up again.

"You are right, I don't. But that is at least what I will believe in until proven wrong."

Yeji chuckled, her stomach moving with Chaeryeong's head while the youngest sported a cheeky grin.

And observing Yeji intently, a cheeky idea found its way into Chaeryeong's mind. Therefore, before Yeji had the time to react, Chaeryeong sat up quickly to attack the older in a tickle fight, knowing that the royal had her hands under her head.

Yeji yelped in surprise, her whole body curling up and fighting helplessly against Chaeryeong's attack.

"Stop-p. Please-e I-I can't-t..." She whisper-yelled, trying to keep her volume low.

"Only if you promise to not think about it again." Chaeryeong argued sweetly, an innocent smile framing her face.

Yeji grumbled under her breath, trying one last time to withdraw Chaeryeong's attack, but she soon found herself under the redhead. Her arms under Chaeryeong's knees while the younger restlessly attacked her stomach, neck and armpit.

"Okay, okay! I give up, please stop." Yeji breathed out, totally exhausted from laughing, her will power giving up.

She looked up only to be met with a blinding grin on Chaeryeong's face, inches away. It was as if the moment started to move slower. Both had suddenly forgotten what they were doing or where they were and decided to just freeze in time for a bit.

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