% Hide and Seek !!!

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[hehehe doodle of Moondrop >:] hope you like it]

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[hehehe doodle of Moondrop >:] hope you like it]

An alarm blared into my ear, making me jump up immediately out of bed. It was my alarm ,,, informing me I'd overslept by 10 minutes.

"SHIT-" I sprinted to the restroom, getting dressed into the daycare uniform and ran out of the small house, locking it before jogging to the bus station. I checked my pockets, my face draining as I figured out I hadn't brought my wallet. The bus driver seemed to notice, as they scowled, closed the doors and drove off. I couldn't go back to my house, I'd be extra late. Sighing heavily, I began to run as fast as possible in the direction of the pizzaplex.

After around 20 minutes I arrived, dashing to the daycare and tumbling down the slide without attempting to catch my breath. Once I'd fallen into the ball pit, I just lied there, heavily trying my best to catch my breath. Sundrop noticed I'd arrived as he skipped over, bending over so his face was in mine. He beamed, waving.

"{your name}, I thought you wouldn't show up!! Why are you panting like a puppy?" He giggled as I simply eyed him. He didn't seem to take offence at all, giggling more as I stared at him grumpily. I was lifted up and carried by the shoulders over to a seat at an empty table. He sat on the table rather than a chair, swinging his legs childishly. "Why were you so late? Did you walk into the wrong area? How silly!!" He laughed as I groaned.

"I overslept AND I forgot my wallet, so I had to run over." I dramatically sighed, faceplanting the table as Sundrop patted my head comfortingly.

"There there, friend!! You still made it, which is goo-" The daycare attendant was interrupted by the sound of crying and laughing. I lifted my head as Sundrop and I looked at each other before jumping up and running to the sound in sinc - well, I ran, he skipped like usual.

There was a boy crying as he sat next to the bridge connecting two soft play towers, two children stood on said bridge laughing. I left Sundrop to deal with the crying boy as I made my way to the bridge through the closest entrance to tower, grabbing the kids by the arms and lead them out, scolding them and sitting them in the "Naughty Corner" as Sundrop calls it. Both of the children didn't seem happy about their situation. Oh well, their fault.

I made my way back to Sundrop who was hugging the child and telling him cheesy jokes. The boy gradually stopped crying and instead started to laugh at the jokes, causing Sundrop to also start giggling. I smiled as the boy got up and ran to a separate soft play tower.

The day went past slowly, but eventually the children all left and it was up to Sundrop and I to clean up again. There was glue all over the walls around the security desk, and obviously everywhere else, but an excessive amount was around the security desk. Why do children always like to mess up areas they shouldn't be in? Huffing, I started to scrub down the desk and the walls, accidentally flicking the light switch.

My face went pale as I heard the frantic jingles and distant pained grumbles and yelps of Sundrop. I tried to turn the lights back on but they were jammed. Without second thoughts, I legged it to the abandoned play area next to the ball pit, I'd never really seen anyone go near it so I thought it would be a good place to hide. Why was I even hiding, maybe Sundrop was just afraid of the dark? That's why he didn't want the lights turned off maybe? I peeked out, my breath hitching as I saw someone - they looked similar to Sundrop, yet so different at the same time. I drew back, curling up and hoping that whoever that person was hadn't seen me. Now I see why he didn't like the lights turned off ,,, some stranger who looked like his evil twin breaks in or something. I heard the jingle of bells, signifying that whoever that guy is was walking around. Then I heard the whip and scream of a rope as though it was being rubbed against metal. Spoiler alert, it was. I glanced out again. The guy was floating around in the air with a rope. Oh boy, I'm screwed.

Raspy chuckles and twisted laughs were echoing around and the scream of rope was once again blaring around as the guy landed, creeping around. I saw him crawl into a the soft play tower the furthest from me. Taking the opportunity, I rolled out and quickly crawled to the security desk, searching around for some sort of manual to figure out how to turn the lights back on. The moment was interrupted as I heard jingles getting closer, so I hid under the desk, holding my breath. At this point I was scared shitless, shivering violently and trying my hardest to stop tears from ushing down my face. God this is scary. I saw fingers curl over the desk, gripping it before hearing the heavy sound of boots hitting the top of the desk.

Sweat beads formed on my face as I tried my hardest to stay silent, hoping that this person would leave the security desk. Feet landed on the floor right in front of me, making me jump and hit my elbow against the back of the desk. Shit ,,,

A raspy laugh emerged from the person as they squated down and faced me, smiling a sick smile and giggling maniacally.

"I found you.." He went to grab me and pull me out, but I sure as hell wasn't having it, I kicked his face which stunned him and crawled out, sprinting to the ball pit and sinking into it holding my breath and staying as still as possible in the sea of plastic balls. Hopefully I didn't make too much noise getting in ,,

Clearly I did, since I was grabbed by the foot and yanked out. I squirmed around and attempted to kick the man who had pulled me out, but he simply grabbed my other foot and dug his nails into my skin. Wincing, I thrashed around to get out of his grip but it was no use.

"I'm putting you in time out, naughty naughty..." I absolutely did not like the sound of that , but I couldn't really do much about it. I was dumped in the corner that I'd previously forced those two children into after they pushed that kid off the bridge. Then I got an idea, perhaps acting dumb and childish could buy me enough time to turn the lights on. 

With that I dramatically hugged as loud as possible and crossed my arms, making sure that whoever that guy was is watching. He was, perfect. Next I began to move over to a stack of barrels and kicked them over.

"Whoops." I said sarcastically, smirking as the man immediately rushed over to clean up after groaning. 'Nice' I said to myself as I bolted to the light switch, flicking it on in a hole it wasn't jammed. The light's came on and I turned around to see a very upset and exhausted-looking Sundrop.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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