Goodbye Until You Die

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Goodbye Until You Die


Someone felt so worthless that they had to take there own life.

To anyone who's reading this and thinks suicide is the answer i can tell you it's not.

Trust me I've been there before so many times.

I know how it feels.

To have no one care about you
No friends
No family support
To get called names
To be hated on
To feel worthless
To feel like you're never going to amount to something
To have no one notice you

To just be there.

Just drifting.
All. By. Yourself.

Can you relate?

Just know that there is someone there.

You are NOT worthless
Some would miss you if you were gone.

You are never alone okay?

Someone somewhere cares about you and wants you to be alright.

Even if it's just some random person you met on the Internet.

You are loved.

Please don't ever forget that.

Suicide is not the answer.
Someone does care.

I care.

And if you need me, I'm here

Someone who cares

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