First Day🤍

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Hi I'm Jisoo!  Im a girl in her 2nd year in university studying arts. Just an average girl compared to most of the girls here, they are pretty with they're long pretty eyelashes, their brows so neat and fine, lips red as an apple. But me? I was just fine with a lip gloss and a basic low ponytail. I love makeup but I just can't do it.

Today was my fist time as a 2nd year in Sungkyunkwan University

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Today was my fist time as a 2nd year in Sungkyunkwan University. I took in a deep breath and entered the gates of the university.


"Jisoo you can do it" I told myself while rattling my teeth.

I was shivering with cold because it was winter in Korea right now. I was relieved that I have worn this comfy scarf and these warm mittens or else I could've been frozened by now.

I texted Lisa to see where she was.

Jisoo - Lisa , where are you? I'm here in the entrance of the university. Did you get the sushi rolls?

*Spots Lisa *

"Jisoo! Lisa was waving at me.

Lisa is my childhood best friend. She was always there for me when ever I was bullied or when ever I was hurt. She would be there whenever I was sad or lonely. I would always be grateful for her. Me and Lisa were sadly separated after the end of high school because of financial issues that my family was dealing with but we were still in contact every day and hanging around thrice a week.

After some time my dad had gotten a job and I was in my 1st year in Yonsei University. The university wasn't really the choice for my art studies because mostly the university focused on med school, I told my mum and dad if i could attend the same university as Lisa where they teach arts really well. I was all over the moon when my mum and dad agreed to me going to Sungkyunkwan University. So I moved in an apartment as a roommate with Lisa. My mom and dad were still living at the old place so we're pretty far away from each other, im gonna miss them so much. But its a new start for me and I should be happy! My life would finally get better!!

-back to present-

Lisa came back with 2 sushi rolls that she got from the convenience store near the university. We didn't have our breakfast so Lisa insisted on buying both of us some sushi rolls. 

"Jisoo are you ready" Lisa told me while hugging me tightly.

"I am READYYY!  I replied.

She handed me the sushi roll and we both munched while walking towards the school.

"its soo good" I told Lisa and she agreed with a satisfied smile. 

Lisa had told me some bad stories about this university. She told me that there was some girls that are beyond imaginable. Hopefully I don't get in their businesses.

We started walking and the university was amazing, it looked so beautiful with snow covering the pavement, but hopefully lets not fall on our first day. Lisa took me everywhere and by everywhere I mean to the point where I knew how many classrooms there are.

Me and Lisa both have passion for studying arts so we basically have every classes together. Our first class was 'History of art' it was pretty boring but I need to Ace it to have a scholarship since my parents can't pay that much money. Sometimes when I think about my financial problems I feel down and hopeless but finally reuniting with Lisa feels like everything is going to be fine. We learned some background stories of famous arts and artist and I loved that lesson.

As our class ended, I was pretty hungry and told Lisa if we could go to the grocery store. She agreed and we exited the classroom. We bought some hot spicy noodles.

While me and Lisa were eating and talking about how the class was interesting, there was this guy running so fast, he was tall and lean. He was running with his hands in his pocket and he's face covered with his scarf.

"Oh that guy" Lisa whispered as she saw me look at him.

I listened carefully.

"he is known as the most handsome and cool looking guy in this school, every girl in this school has a crush on him"

"Oh really" I whispered back at her.

Lisa nodded while checking the time on her phone.

"Oh no! The time is way past our 2nd period" Lisa exclaimed.



I saw this girl scanning me from head to toe. But I didn't look at her because it'll be awkward if she finds out that I caught her staring at me. Anyways..

Hi I'm Taehyung, I'm a 2nd year student in Sungkyunkwan University. I will say that I'm a handsome looking guy hehehe. My Dad own a company called BigHitEnt. It's shitty and uninteresting but people tend to think it's marvellous. My dad runs the business with Yoony (Dads New Wife). My mom passed away when I was small, she was the love of my life and my light when dark arises....

Being rich is not really what I want, People think being rich is something to be proud of or something to boast about but In real life, it's not. It's embarrassing for me, to be known as the 'Hey it's Song lee's son"'.

Who wants to be an odd one out?? Having this big black car drive you from your house to your school, while when there are students riding bicycle and walking to school. I tend to walk because it's literally just 8mins to reach my school. I also do sports, well Basketball with my best buddy Jungkook. It's like a true passion for us, like somewhat a dream future

 It's like a true passion for us, like somewhat a dream future

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Oh shi- I have to run, I'm late for my 2nd period . I quickly ran and entered the classroom. My professor told me to sit down.

"Wassup bro" Jungkook whispered and we did our handshake.

"Why didn't you come at 1st period?" Jungkook questioned.

I told him that I slept in. He shook his head and told me that I was really lazy.

"Yesterday you slept in as well bro and you didn't even come for 3 whole period"

I exclaimed, laughing at him and professor noticed and shushed. We were learning "coaching styles" until our period ended.

We were sitting at our normal wooden bench near the university canteen, peacefully eating some ramen, When suddenly this random girl was yelling super loudly to her friend on the field.

"Argh what's she yelling for" Jungkook looked annoyed.

"JISOO JISOO, DONT!!!" The girl yelled.

"Wait Kim Jisoo"

"Wait, You know her?" Jungkook said confusingly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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