Chapter 1:

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My eyes are glued to the clock as I watch the minute arm work its way toward the 6. Just a few more seconds... Bring! Bring! Bring! The bell yells over my Spanish teacher, Mrs. Ramirez, who is finishing the whole "Have a good summer" speech.

As some kids in my class rush out the door, Mrs. Ramirez shouts: "HEY! THE BELL DOESN'T DISMISS YOU, I DO!" but unlucky for her, half the class is racing down the hall, pushing and shoving their way to the staircase too fast to hear her. I hear her sigh (because sadly I'm not one of the smart kids who ran and didn't look back.) "The nerve of some kids, why can't they just listen to their teacher for once!?" "Maybe because the bell rang and it's the last day of fucking school" I mutter quietly under my breath, but apparently, teachers have super hearing or some shit, AND THIS BITCH HEARD ME!

She stares right at me, her pure green eyes begin staring into my goddamn soul, and she quietly says "What did you just say?" She heard me the first time, I know she did, but being the bitch she is, she's just drawing it out and making it more painful for me. I don't say anything, and she raises her voice. "What. Did. You. Just. SAY, IVY!?" I say nothing still, not because I'm afraid of what she's going to say, but because a bitch like her doesn't deserve an answer to a stupid goddamn question she knows the fucking answer to.

"Office. NOW." Well great, so much for having all afternoon to myself. I pick up my bag and begin slowly walking to the office. Maybe because I don't like her, maybe because it's my fucking life, maybe because I had plans, I ditch that idea as soon as her beady eyes look away.

I attempt to run directly at bus 603, but I don't make it very far. The hall is flooded with students who also happen to have a fucking life. Ugh. I swear this happens EVERY. DAMN. DAY; but today was 10,000 times worse. I try looking over the sea of students, but it's no use. All the seniors in my school are taller than the fucking Eiffel Tower.

Anyway, after about 15 minutes of trying, I FINALLY get to the bus. It's crowded in the isles as usual, but honestly, I wouldn't expect anything less from the dumbasses on my bus. I decide to read, but I end up losing motivation and staring out the window, instead. I slowly start to drift away from reality when Megan, the kid sitting next to me, calls my name.

"Ivy. IVY!" "Hm?" I respond, realizing for the first time how much I space out on a daily basis. "Your stop is next, dumbass" she responds. At those words, I perk up completely. Finally, I can go home and play Minecraft until September 6th if I so choose.

But when I got home and turn on my PC, mom stops me. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Ivy?" "Uhh, what does it look like? Do you need glasses, as well?" I respond. "OK, that's it. Ivy, go outside with your sister RIGH-" she starts, but I don't care what she has to say. "Ugh, but mom, I ju-" I attempt to respond, but she cuts in. "NOW," Well, that's just wonderful I think, rolling my eyes Sasha-style.

The second I open the door, I'm blinded by the sun staring into my soul. As my vision cleared up, I noticed my sister on the swing. She was looking down at something, maybe her phone? But as I got closer I realized it was a book. Huh, that's weird, I thought, because this was the first time I saw her actively reading in, like, 3 years.

"Hey," she said when she looked up and noticed me. "Hi," I repeat. "Why are you outside? I thought you were gonna stay inside and play video games all summer," She states. "That's what I thought too," I grumble. "Hey, I have an idea!" Sasha says, suddenly perking up. "What?" "Maybe we could go into the woods and see if we find anything, plus then if one of us gets hurt, mom will HAVE to keep us inside!"

I sigh at this idea. "True... alright fine. I'll go" She snorts. "As if you actually HAD a choice. Now c'mon,"

I follow Sasha as she begins walking into the overgrown forest. I don't think mom will be too pleased if she finds out that we were playing in the forest, but right now, I don't think Sasha gives 2 damn fucks.

As I enter the forest, I'm constantly pushing leaves out of my face and pulling twigs out of my hair. I open my mouth to complain, when Sasha taps my shoulder and yells out "TAG YOU'RE IT'' and then runs away like the fucking asshole she is. My sister is a fucking teenage child.  I thought.

I chase after her, but the dense forest slows me down. Soon I lose sight of her. I start running in a random direction, praying that I didn't just get lost and basically throw my life away, when I hear Sasha's voice from the opposite direction.

"IVY! IVY GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!" I start running towards her voice, until I stop short when there's a random clearing in the trees. "Woah..." I breathed. This definitely wasn't here before. In summers past, my sister and I would come out and play in the woods, and I know for a fact that I've stood in this exact spot before, only surrounded by tall maple and oak trees, with barely a glimpse of sunlight.

Now it was all different. The sun filtered in with a beautiful golden glow, and if you looked up, there was a clear view of the beautiful blue sky, with 1 perfect, fluffy cloud. To be honest, it was my ideal early summer day. "It's cool, isn't it?" Sasha asked. "Yea," I responded. I felt as if maybe there WAS a reason I went outside.

But as I looked around more, I realized something. Right at the edge of the clearing, there was a massive cliff. It had to have been at LEAST a 3,500 foot drop.

When I looked to my left, I realized Sasha must have also just discovered this. "How many bodies do you think are down in that crusty ass... I don't really know what to call it, but you get the point." "Yea, I do, and I don't know. Hopefully not any, considering the fact that as our family has had this property for so long, and if there were they'd be held responsible. Plus, last time I was here it was just a normal part of the woods." I responded. "Ok, miss smarty pants," Sasha said, playfully elbowing me.

However, I lost my balance and after stumbling a few steps, caught myself, right before tumbling over backward down into the black abyss of the massive hole, and inevitably, my doom. Phew. I thought. That was way too close for comfort. "Woah there, you okay?" my sister asked. "Yea, I'm fine, no thanks to you."

But then, I tripped over a branch, and when my sister tried to grab me, it was no use. I accidentally pulled her in as well. Everything went black. No. No no no no no. This CANNOT be happening to me. But I knew it. This was it. The end. In a few nanoseconds, I'd hit the hard, rocky earth below me, and Sasha and I's scattered corpses and broken bones would be all that remains of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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