Capitalist Criticism

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The day had finally arrived, your date with Shinso. You started to get ready at least two hours before you needed to leave, allowing time for you to try on every possible outfit combination in front of your mirror before deciding to wear what you initially put on. You sat in front of your vanity, did an extensive skincare routine and then decided to wear some light makeup. Once you were finished you realised that you still had just under an hour until Shinso was supposed to pick you up, but you had nothing left to do. You slump onto your couch and stare out the window hoping that glaring at the street would make the time pass faster. It did not. You glance at your phone to realise only 5 minutes had passed, so you decide to update your friends on your situation. You get up and make yourself look presentable in front of your mirror and send a picture of yourself to the group chat.

Mina : wow, look at you

Denki : dayyyyyyyyuuummmmm

Mina : you must really like him to get all dolled up like that

Kiri : y/n, you look great

Sero : woooooooo!

Katsuki : gross

y/n : aww thanks guys, especially you katsuki

y/n : going above and beyond as always

y/n : and yes mina, i actually like him

y/m : i feel like things are gonna work out this time

Katsuki : so, where is the loser taking you?

y/n : well, if you had been listening he's taking me to a library outside campus

y/n : i didn't even know it existed, so i'm SO excited

Katsuki : sounds like a shitty idea to me

Mina : ugh stop being a dick Bakugo, you're just jealous that people can enjoy themselves outside of academics

Sero : yoooooooo

Katsuki : shut up

You giggle and put down your phone, deciding to turn on the tv to waste time.


You notice headlights flash outside your window and look outside to see that Shinso has arrived. You get up, brush yourself off, check yourself one more time in the mirror and head over to the door. You reach to open the door as soon as you hear Shinso knock, you wish the door open seeing a somewhat shocked Shinso behind the door.

"Greetings and Salutations."

You chuckle at the somewhat pretentious greeting but when looking at his face you realise the irony behind the statement.


You go in for a hug and step outside your dorm making sure to lock the door behind you.

"You look great."

He says, his eyes scanning up your body; if it was anyone else you would have felt weird but it was different with him. He interlaces his hand and yours and walks you over to the passenger side of the car, making sure to open and close the door for you. Once he walks over and slips into the car he turns to you looking almost nervous.

"I hope it isn't a big deal, but after talking to you further I realised that you deserved to be taken out to a nice dinner before we go to the library."

You look at him in partial awe but then regain your composure.

"So then, where is this nice place that we're going?"

Make Me - Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now