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Tws through the whole story of canon typical violence and SA mentions.

Yut Lung POV

I didn't like this one bit, my brothers had ordered me to take care of the Lynx, but they didn't tell me his Chinese best friend was so pretty...

They also forgot to mention the japanese boy, whom Ash seemed to have taken an extreme liking of, the logical thing for me to do to obey my brothers would be to force Shorter to kidnap Eiji, but that would just make me sad.

The way Eiji and Ash looked at each other, the way they acted, it made me feel so extremely lonely, I hated it. So when I couldn't sleep the second night after my company had arrived, I carefully tiptoed over to the room that Shorter was borrowing, I needed comfort, the elder would give me the comfort I needed, at least that's what my mind reasoned.

I carefully knocked on the door and got a grunt in response, so I opened the door.

Now I didn't expect him to look *that* cute when he had just woken up, and I might have let out a little gasp before slamming my hands over my mouth and turning red.

The purple haired man just chuckled at me.

"Hello, what have I done to deserve to be blessed by your presence tonight" Shorter spoke and propped himself up so he was sitting up in bed, except for the fact that he was very hot, he was also very shirtless.

"Can't sleep, be my pillow" I said confidently despite my heart beating as if it was trying to escape my chest.

Shorter shuffled a bit to the side and lifted the blanket allowing me to creep in and lay beside him, I placed my head on his chest and was happily surprised by his heart beating just as aggressively as mine.

I woke up to a pillow being thrown at me by the one and only Ash Lynx.

"I don't trust you, also don't have sex with my best friend" He glared at me as he spoke.

"Okay first off rude, secondly why on earth would I have sex with Shorter while you guys are sleeping in the room next to me, that's disgusting" I finished and threw the pillow back at Ash.

"Fuck off" The blonde walked out with a huff leaving me confused as to what the fuck had just happened.

Shorter had woken up before me, leaving me quite cold in my silk robe, I wanted a sweater, and some pants.

"Shoter!" I yelled out in a whiny tone, which to be fair sounded a bit desperate.

"What is it your highness" Shorter poked his head in with a huge grin probably laughing at his own joke, what a dumbass, well at least he's a cute dumbass.

"Get me a sweater I'm cold" I whined and rubbed my arms showing how cold I was.

"Sure my prince anything for you" I could tell that he almost burst out laughing, but hey he actually did go grab me a sweater, or a hoodie actually, his hoodie.

I put it on and admired myself in the mirror, the hoodie was huge on my thin frame making me look extremely pretty, irresistible, to both men and women.

The feeling of comfort I had was cut short when Shorter announced that he was going to China town, meaning he would meet my brothers, meaning he would find out who I am, meaning he would hate me.

I felt my throat closing in slightly and I got that stuffy feeling like when you want to cry. I wanted to run up to him and hug him and tell him not to, explain to him myself who I am, but despite how much I wanted to do so, I couldn't.

I laid on the couch eyeing Ash and Eiji as they spoke, they were literally soulmates, it made me unreasonably mad, I was just jealous, I knew that, but making myself mad made it feel less lonely.

"Hey Yau-Si is that Shorters hoodie" Eiji spoke looking like he was genuinely interested.

For some reason it caused me to blush furiously and I had to hide my face in my hands before mumbling.

"Yea... I was cold"

"I still don't trust you" Ash spoke and threw yet another pillow at me, this one I actually caught and put it down next to me glaring at the blonde.

"Ash stop it he didn't do anything" Eiji whined shaking Ash dramatically.

"He is suspicious" Ash whined back putting his hands on Eiji and shaking him back.

"You're the ones who are in my house, yet *I* am the suspicious one?" I questioned

"Yep" Ash said and crossed his arms and pouting, despite being older than me he sure acted like a kid sometimes.

I must have fallen asleep because when I awoke I heard Shorter and Ash rant about something outside, confused I sat up and looked around.

Eiji was asleep on the couch next to me and Max and Ibe were chatting in the kitchen about some kind of food.

I waited for Ash to come inside before I carefully walked outside to see Shorter, as I suspected his face fell when he saw me.

He put his hands around my throat and slammed me into the wall, now in any other situation this would probably turn me on, but at the moment I was genuinely scared.

"Shorter plea-" I tried but was cut off.

"Who is Yut Lung!" He yelled and accidentally moved my hair to the side revealing my stupid dragon tattoo.

"The Lee family seal" He spoke most likely to himself before harshly throwing me onto the ground.

"You're...?" He looked like he was about to cry.

"There's no fucking way"

"I'm sorry" I couldn't think of anything else to say, my eyes started to water causing my vision to blur, it felt like everything had fallen apart, I didn't even know Shorter yet loosing him felt like I had been stabbed.

"What's going on" Eiji stared in confusion at us, I was full on crying and Shorter was staring at me as if he wanted to kill me.

Shorter just pushed past Eiji and went inside causing my heart to hurt way more than it should have.

Eiji leaned down in front of me and looked worried, I would be too, a 16 year old breaking down crying is not something you see every day.

"Ya-" He started

"It's Yut Lung, Lee Yut Lung" I stared down at the wooden deck.

"I'm the youngest in the Lee family, I don't know if Shorter has informed you about us..." I took a deep breath

"I'm really sorry, I... I promise I didn't want this, I hate my brothers, I can't, they won't let me" I couldn't form any proper sentences and ended up just hulking out words in no particular order.

Instead of kicking me or punching me like Ash would've done, Eiji embraced me, mumbling that he didn't know what was going on but that it would be okay, he promised.

"I'm... gonna go talk to Ash, and Shorter... and try to sort this out" Eiji said and stood up, they would probably all leave, then my brothers would probably kill me, or even worse sell me to some weird old man, I felt bile build up in my throat.

I didn't even get to stand up before my stomach decided to empty itself all over the floor, I already felt disgusting and this surely didn't help. I crawled into a ball, shaking, crying, whimpering just hoping to disappear into nothing.

In my panicked state I failed to notice that I had been picked up and was now being carried inside by a pair of strong arms, my first thought was that it was Max, he was practically a dad to Ash, surely he would want revenge on me.

But instead of being thrown out a window I felt myself being placed on a bed and a pair of onyx eyes stared into mine looking worried as ever.

"I'm... Ya- Yut Lung, I'm sorry for overreacting, I should've listened to you, I feel terrible" Shorter spoke as he sat in front of me cupping my face.

I still couldn't speak so I just slid down the bed and down onto Shorter's lap, still shaking.

"I'm so sorry" He mumbled into my hair as he held my body and running his hand along my back in circles to soothe me.

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