I told you so

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I was seething with rage, I knew something was up with that guy, his brothers had told him to literally lure me back to Dino, to be fair he didn't do it, but for fucks sake he was about to.

Eiji had sympathy for Yut Lung, Shorter was basically in love with him, and the two adults were indifferent about him, meaning the only one who didn't like him was me.

He was in the Lee clan, meaning he could still be working with Golzine, how would I know, just because he pulled some crying stunt and now everyone feels bad for him? Fuck.

I walked around in a circle trying to figure out what the fuck I should do next, my main priority was to protect Eiji, and if Eiji wanted to protect that stupid snake then so be it, snake's coming with us.

"Yo Shorter, we're leaving tomorrow, gotta get back to New York" I said as the purple haired man walked into the room.

"Yut Lung is coming with us." It wasn't a question, the fucker had fallen in love with him, he had actually fallen in love with someone from the Lee family.

But how could I speak on that, I fell in love with Eiji the second I met his eyes at that bar.

It reminds me of this one friday night, Shorter was 16 I was 15, we were sat at a rooftop watching a ship unloading some cargo.

Shorter had turned to me and with cheeks red he had told me that I was his first love, he had turned his face down afterwards and just chuckled.

We never spoke of it again, and since he never mentioned it, I never told him I liked him, and I suppose we grew apart and the feelings disappeared, or I suppose they did for him.

Sometimes I question if I'm just using Eiji as a replacement for Shorter, but then I look at the short boy and realise that there's more to it than that.

"You genuinely like him don't you?" I spoke staring off into the distance not wanting to see the anger on Shorters face, he could tell that I was jealous, I knew he could.

"So what? Cant you let me be fucking happy for once?! Do you want me to be your fucking submissive sidekick who's helplessly in love with you while you go around screwing Eiji or some shit??!" Shorter spat before stomping out of the room.

I felt a lump in my throat, I fucked up, I majorly fucked up.

Now I wish I had better control of my temper, because the second Yut Lung walked into the room I grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against the wall. I needed someone to blame, I needed someone to be the bad guy and Yut Lung was the perfect villain.

"Ash please" He tried and I just punched him in the gut, hard.

I stared at him in utter disgust, I had no idea why I resented him so much, I didn't even hate him for real, I just hated the idea of what he is.

"I know... I know I'm terrible but I'm trying to make it right, please just-" I punched him once more causing him to bend over in pain.

I stared at him for a few seconds as he crumpled and fell to the ground before I backed away, scared of myself, this wasn't me, what the fuck was I doing.

"Ash... what?" Eijis voice cut through the silence of the room.

He looked scared, terrified, I tried to speak but my throat was too dry to get any words out.

"Eiji I started it, it wasn't his fault, I made a stupid joke, honestly I deserved to get punched" Yut Lung spoke out and gave a weak smile.

"I shouldn't have been playing with the Lynx"

Eiji just shrugged at that, probably believing what Yut Lung said, and just walked into another room.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Well Im already the bad guy, no need for Eiji to think anything else" His eyes looked so incredibly sad as he spoke to me, and I even felt my own eyes tear up at the sight.

"Ash I'm not going to pretend that I'm some saint, all I want is for you guys to be safe, even if it was for the fake me, you were the first people possibly ever to treat me like a human being. I'm eternally grateful for that, it made me feel almost normal, even if it was fake" He stood up and approached me.

"I'm sure you know the feeling, that's why you love Eiji so much, isn't it"

I just nodded and he gave me a weak smile.

"Yut Lung... thank you" I whispered

He was more like me than I had thought, and because of that I cried, I cried because I felt like I had belittled his pain, and I cried because I had treated him in the same shitty way that people tended to treat me. I felt like a terrible person.

"Ash?" A knock on the door that was followed by Shorter walking in.

"Shorter look I'm sorry" I tried

"Just came to say dinner is ready." He said curtly and walked away, the lump in my throat was back.

I walked to the dinner table and much to my surprise basically everyone had their stuff packed.

"You were right Ash, we gotta leave, like, now" Max spoke as he ushered the rest of the guys out of the house.

"What? What's going on" I grabbed my things, really the only things I had brought were my jacket and Eiji.

"Yut Lung got a message from Wang Lung telling him to hurry up or he's sending Hua Lung to take care of it" Shorter said coldly, refusing to look at me. He's usually stingy but not this stingy, I felt like shit honestly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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