Authors Note

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Thank you all so much for reading & the feedback and/or votes you gave this story!

My other stories include:

-Fire & Ice (Hits most of the 5h ships)

-Rewritten (Sequel to Fire & Ice)

-Scream, & Everlasting (sequels to Silence)

-Our Infinity (standalone of norminah)

-Luna (standalone of caminah)

-Breaking (standalone of Laurinah)

-Running to a Standstill (standalone of Laurinah)

-Of the Same Stars (Laurmani & Caminah)

-Of the Same Universe (sequel to Of the Same Stars)

-Nothing Personal (standalone of becommissar)

-Words (standalone of becommissar)

-Another Life (standalone of clexa/lexark)

SilenceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ