Chapter 6

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Normani held her breath. Dinah was facing her, back to the window. It was at least 1 am on a Saturday. So why was Lauren and Camila standing outside her window!? Arguing with eachother. Dinah snapped her fingers.

"You okay Mani? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yeah yeah." Normani said absently. "I'll be right back."

She ran down the stairs and shoved open the door. The wind howeled in her ears. The trees rustled and leaves scattered everywhere. Normani ran around the back of the house and into the woods. Lauren and Camila were in the clearing not far away. Lauren had her back to Normani but Camila could see her.

"Why cant you just leave her alone?" Lauren snapped.

"Im protecting her." Camila said. It was the angriest voice Normani had ever heard her in. "You are the one that will kill her."

Lauren stepped forward. "I love her."

"But you dont belong here. With a mortal. You belong in Heaven." Camilas voice had softened. With a seducivness to it.

"I cant do that." Lauren sighed. "I wont do that."

"Lauren your giving it up all for a worthless mortal!" Camila held Laurens hands in hers. The connection made Normanis skin boil.

"Camila I dont regret anything. I love her-"

"And it destroys you every 18 years."

Normani acidently snapped a twig. Lauren whipped around. She quickly hid behind a tree eyes closed. Then the wind stopped, the trees settled. Normani looked back at the clearing but no one was there. She approached it slowly to find a silky black feather.

She picked it up, the feather made her skin tingle. She found herself smiling despite the millions of questions swirling around her head. Normani walked back inside and locked the door. Dinah was waiting for her.

"You rushed out there for a feather?" Dinah asked.

Normani shrugged and placed on her night stand. Something nagged at her. Dhe had wanted to tell Dinah about something... Something right before she had came.... But her memory was a huge blank.

Instead she crawled into bed beside Dinah and turned out the lights. "Night D"

"Night Mani."


The next morning Normani found herself in an empty bed. There was a note beside her.

'Sorry Boo my mom was angry I had so much homework I didnt tell her about. Had to jet. Sorry. Xoxoxo Dinah'

Normani smiled and went to shower. As she passed the nightstand she saw an emoty spot. Something nagged at her in her head there had been something there. Something important. Last night she remembered seeing Lauren and Camilas fight. But after that nothing.

She got out and dressed quickly. She ran down the stairs and found a note written on the counter. What was it with people and notes!?

'Meet me at the lake in the back of you woods'

Normani stared at it. No signature. Nothing. Despite all logic she slipped on some shoes and jogged into the forest. The lake wasnt very far and she reached it soon enough. The old willow tree sat beside the lake. Normani used to love to sit in the tree and stare at the lake.

Then she saw her.

Camila was leaning against the willow tree. Her brown orbs found Normani immediatly. Her smile lit up. Brighter than the sun. Normani found herself smiling back. Camila was so adorable.

"Hi." Camila said as Normani sat down beside her on a branch.

"So your the mistery person?"

Camila smiled and leaned her head on Normanis shoulder. "I just wanted to see you again."

Normani smiled and put her head ontop of Camilas.

"Does that mean you missed me to?"

She let out a little laugh. "You adorable."

"Your beautiful."

Normani lifted her head off to look Camila in the eyes. They looked completely open. Innocent.

"Normani I love you. And I- I want you to mine."

Her words surprised Normani but she found herself nodding and smiling. Camilas eyes brightened and she kissed her.

But something felt wrong. Behind all that beauty she felt a certain darkness. Like she was falling through an endless black hole. It felt all wrong. Something wasnt right.

And then she realized that Lauren was the only one she really wanted to kiss. Wanted to be held by. Wanted to be with.

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