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I don't know if there's shoes or clothes in Herberger's because I've never been there, so I apologize if I'm wrong! Enjoy nonetheless! ~Kay


Teddy and I weave ourselves in and out of the clothing racks in Herberger's. As we do so, I can't help but think about the person that was staring at me earlier. I wonder why they were. Is there something they like about me?

I shake my head. It's probably just my imagination.

But what if it isn't? What happens if it's real?

I pinch myself, the pain sort of clearing my find. My mind drifts to another subject. I think about convincing Jacob to get me a kitten as Teddy rants about visiting her older brother in New York City.

"...but, seriously, I've been waiting for the day to go to N.Y.C.," rambles Teddy. "It's kind of surprising that Dan found the money to move to New York and marry a woman I don't even know."

I nod, glancing through the many articles of clothing, disinterested.

"Kota." My best friend places a hand on my shoulder, her eyebrows furrowing in concern. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah." I give her a tiny smile, trying to reassure her. She shakes her head, not believing my lie.

She loops her arms around me, bringing me into a soft hug. "I know there's something wrong because I can sense it. What's bothering you? You can tell me anything."

After hesitating for a moment, I cave in. "I felt like someone was watching me when we were in the food court." A coral-pink blouse catches my eye, and I retrieve it from the rack. "But when I turned to look who it was, no one was there."

She scoffs, causing my brows to crease. "Seriously? It must've been your wild imagination again. Don't believe that sort of stuff."

"But what if it was real?" I hook the hanger onto my arm, leaving the shirt to hang. "I know in my gut that it wasn't fake."

Teddy shoots me a look. "Then that'd be creepy. I'm going to Sephora. Wanna come?"

I shake my head. "No, thanks. You go ahead"

She beams before sashaying in the direction of the high-brand makeup store. I sigh, a bit unhappy. She's my best friend; she should've said something comforting to make me feel better.

Continuing to wander around the racks, a stunning periwinkle dress with a black sash grabs my attention. I approach the dress, sliding it off the hanger and gently laying it on my body. I locate a mirror, smiling gently at the sight.

For a second, a pair of eyes in the mirror that aren't mine appear behind me. I whirl around to find the source, only to see there is none.

Okay, there is something wrong with me.

Turning away from the mirror, I hold it out in front of me, admiring the delicate material. My hand touches the soft fabric, but my breath hitches, feeling someone's breath on my nape.

"Buy it," whispers a masculine voice. It sends a shiver down my spine. "It'll look amazing on you. Promise."

Gasping, I spin around in hope to discover the owner of this voice. A groan of frustration escapes my lips when he's not there. I must be hallucinating. Putting my gaze back on the dress, I drape it over my arm while inhaling a deep breath. I rotate in my spot, nearly screaming at the little boy standing there. He looks about six or seven years old.

"Are you okay, miss?" he questions, sniffing. He probably has a stuffy nose.

"Y-Yes. Thank you," I sputter, grabbing a tissue from my handbag and handing it to him. He happily accepts it, blowing his nose. He wipes it as I clear my throat. "So, uh, where are your parents?"

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