Holding their Hand for the first time

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Characters: Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma, Venti, Xiao

Content: Fluff, overall just really soft, gn!reader

Note: I’m still a little rusty, but I felt like this is a good way to get back into writing without the “pressure” of starting any larger projects (and tbh it’s just really fun to write these, hehe~)

Note: I’m still a little rusty, but I felt like this is a good way to get back into writing without the “pressure” of starting any larger projects (and tbh it’s just really fun to write these, hehe~)

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- Surprisingly warm hands
- They’re a little roughed up from how much he uses them all day and from the cold of dragonspine

Somehow you managed to forget your gloves at home before you headed out to Dragonspine, only noticing when you had already started climbing the snowy mountain. By that point it’s too late to turn back - The sun is always starting to set and you don’t want to stumble across Dragonspine in the dark. Instead, you make your way to Albedo's camp, your hands numb from the cold by the time you arrive.

Albedo is already waiting for you with some soup and hot tea - Just perfect to warm up after a long walk through the snow. He sits next to you with a gentle smile - only ever allowing himself to show emotions so openly when he’s alone with you - while you eat, telling him about your way up here and complaining about the cold. When you mention your forgotten gloves, his expression grows concerned and he can’t help but scold you a little - albeit lovingly.

“Are your hands still cold?” he asks after he’s done scolding you and you nod with a frown. You’re a little surprised when begins to take off his own gloves. How nice, you think, he wants to give them to me! They’re probably a little too big for you, but you’ll take anything at this point. Besides, you really appreciate even the simple gesture of him being concerned for your wellbeing.

To your surprise, however, he puts the gloves aside. “Come here”, he orders in a gentle tone, stretching his hand out to you. You hesitate for a moment, a little caught off guard, but then decide to take him up on his offer, holding your hands out for him to hold. Almost immediately you can feel the warmth return to your fingers - and your cheeks - as you both sit in silence, waiting for you to warm up.

Once you can fully feel your fingers again, you try to pull away - You’ve already taken up enough of his time with this, after all - but he doesn’t let go. Instead, Albedo just squeezes them even tighter, giving you a fond smile. “Hold my hands a little longer, okay? I want to make sure you’re really warmed up.”

You just nod, scooting a little closer to get comfortable while you continue holding hands long into the night.


- Naturally warm due to pyro vision
- I really like the headcanon that using the delusion has left him with burn-scars, so his hands are rough from that

The first time, it’s just an accident when your hands brush as Diluc hands you the drink you ordered - barely lasting for more than a second before he quickly pulls away, not looking at you as a blush spreads across his cheeks. You find it kind of cute how flustered he gets from such a simple touch, and thus, you have found your occupation for this evening.

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