10 i learned tips for baby W 🌸🔮

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1. Research will become your best friend. You should research: protection, warding, meditation, grounding, crystals(meanings), herbs(meaning), holidays, history of WC, and types of magick

2. See what witch you wanna become as there's many

3. track your progress and spells you learn (I use a bos for that)

4. Use more than one resource. And Tiktok isn't the best option

5. You don't need to have everything at once. You will upgrade as you go on

6. Have a tiny bag if you go on trips. you can put some of you stuff in there

7. When you do a spell that involves someone else do it responsible as its not your life your messing with

8. Things you can buy; a basket for when you go in the forest, get crystals from witchcraft stores those are going to be real, candles are AMAZING and used in almost every spell

9. Anything can be used in witchcraft

10. There are spells for anything you just have to find\create them

Hope this helps I wrote this in my bos when I first started. Good day


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