chapter 1 (preview)

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(Spinel POV)
"So this is how homeworld looks now it so bright". "Spinel we have a special guest we'd like you to meet". "Hm who is it " "follow us to pinks former room she's in there" "here she is" " um hello I'm spinel " " I'm pink pearl I used to be pink diamonds pearl" "wait pink diamond had 2 pearls" " I suppose. wanna play a game " "um what kind of game " "we could play hide and seek you hide and I'll try to find you" "okay I'll go hide " "1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come" "spinel are you here where are you spinel oh where ever could you be spinel where are you . Oh I can never find you" "oh my stars spinel I found you (she giggles)" "heheh that was fun okay I'll count now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come" " okay pearl where are you are you under here up there maybe hm there you are I found you" "that was really fun wanna go have more fun with the other pearls" "uh sure I guess" "yellow pearl blue pearl wanna play a game with us " "hm okay yellow pearl do you wanna play " "I guess Ill entertain the idea of playing games" "okay blue pearl do you wanna play a specific game " "let's have a draw challenge we all have to draw yellow pearl and she'll judge our drawings " "oh my well I guess I'll be your muse it's a little hard to hold this pose but other then that I'm fabulous" "okay the challenge begins now" "hm aw man I can't seem to match the other eye gosh this is impossible" "hm I haven't drawn in a while I'm kinda rusty" "that's okay this is just for fun don't even worry about a thing"

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