chapter 1

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(Spinel POV)
"So this is how homeworld looks now it so bright". "Spinel we have a special guest we'd like you to meet". "Hm who is it " "follow us to pinks former room she's in there" "here she is" " um hello I'm spinel " " I'm pink pearl I used to be pink diamonds pearl" "wait pink diamond had 2 pearls" " I suppose. wanna play a game " "um what kind of game " "we could play hide and seek you hide and I'll try to find you" "okay I'll go hide " "1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come" "spinel are you here where are you spinel oh where ever could you be spinel where are you . Oh I can never find you" "oh my stars spinel I found you (she giggles)" "heheh that was fun okay I'll count now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come" " okay pearl where are you are you under here up there maybe hm there you are I found you" "that was really fun wanna go have more fun with the other pearls" "uh sure I guess" "yellow pearl blue pearl wanna play a game with us " "hm okay yellow pearl do you wanna play " "I guess Ill entertain the idea of playing games" "okay blue pearl do you wanna play a specific game " "let's have a draw challenge we all have to draw yellow pearl and she'll judge our drawings " "oh my well I guess I'll be your muse it's a little hard to hold this pose but other then that I'm fabulous" "okay the challenge begins now" "hm aw man I can't seem to match the other eye gosh this is impossible" "hm I haven't drawn in a while I'm kinda rusty" "that's okay this is just for fun don't even worry about a thing" "okay and I'm done " "hm okay hand me all your papers " " well it's obvious who one it's blue pearl she captured me very well but you to did Good to" "hey spinel today was very fun I look forward to having you as my roommate" "thank you pearl" today was nice we played games made new friends and had alot fun me and her had tons of fun today but I don't feel like I felt with pink when I played with her because she wanted to play with me she wanted to play games with me and after all that time in the garden  I finally feel like she'll come back if she leaves me like she won't abandon me alone I trust her .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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