Chapter One

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*The start of this book begins with Episode One of Diamond is Unbreakable.*

~Jotaro's Point of View~

"Josuke!" I heard the soft yell of a woman's voice float in the air around me as it called out to Josuke. I had just witness him beat the shit out of some upperclassman and introduced myself to him. I also explained to Josuke that there was a stand user named Anjuro Katagiri, who is very dangerous. It was weird to think this kid was my uncle and that I would be working with him during my investigation.

"Dr. (YOUR NAME)."

My mouth became sealed shut upon looking at the woman who had called out for Josuke. She was absolutely stunning. I imagined her height was (YOUR HEIGHT). Much shorter than myself. And of course her build was too. In comparison to myself she looked as if I could crush her... and I probably could. She had (HAIR LENGTH, HAIR COLOR) which was styled in a (HAIR STYLE/CUT).She wore a light pink dress with a white collar. It also had a pink belt with a flower on it. The shoes and accessories matched and brought the entire look together (See image).


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"Josuke. Another student told me you were fighting some upperclassman." I listened to Dr. (YOUR NAME) as she took deep breaths from running.

Josuke rubbed the back of his head and chuckled nervously. "Yeah I'm sorry about that. They were trying to hurt turtle and then made fun of my hair."

Dr. (YOUR NAME) blinked a few times as if she couldn't believe what she had heard. "We'll I'm glad to see that you aren't hurt; how we I can't say the same for the upperclassman."

"So've al...ready seen them?" Josuke immediately acted as if Dr. (YOUR NAME) was going to kill him through shuttering.

"Please be more careful Josuke. You're always getting into fights and I have to deal with the aftermath. I can't always cover for you."

"I'm sorry Dr. (YOUR NAME). You know I know I owe you."

"Hold on. Have you been causing trouble during school?"

"I can explain! I..."

"Josuke means no harm. I don't know who you are and you're obviously not a student, but I can tell you that all Josuke does is stand up for himself."

I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. I almost couldn't believe she spoke to me directly and in Josuke's defense none the less. "My name is Jotaro Kujo and Josuke here is my uncle."

"Josuke is he telling the truth?" Dr. (YOUR NAME) smiled with closed eyes at Josuke, making it seem as though she was going to murder me if his answer was bad. 

"He's telling the truth. I just found out myself that I'm an uncle."

"I see. We'll if that's the case then allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr. (YOUR NAME). But please do not be mistaken though as I am a doctor through a PhD and not an MD. I am a teacher here at Budo-ga Oka high school. Josuke is one of my many students. I also help in the nurse's office when needed."

"If you don't mind me asking, while your Japanese is fantastic, you don't sound as though you're from here."

"You're quick to catch on Mr. Jotaro. I am from (WHERE YOU ARE FROM)."

I felt my cheeks heat up upon hearing Dr. (YOUR NAME) call me Mr. Jotaro. I looked down to prevent my blush from being seen. "No need to address me so formally. I imagine we are around the same as I have a PhD as well. You can address me as JoJo."

"In that case you may address me as (YOUR NICKNAME)."

"Ummm... can I call you JoJo and (YOUR NICKNAME)?" Josuke asked and immediately both (YOUR NICKNAME) and myself said no. "Geez I was only kidding. We'll anyway... we need to be going don't we Mr. Kujo?" Josuke tried to grab my arm and walk away but I stood firm on my ground.

"Perhaps this is a little forward of me, but would it be possible to see you again outside of school, (YOUR NICKNAME)?"

(YOUR NICKNAME) looked shocked at first but smiled and nodded as she came to her senses. "Unfortunately I don't have a pen or my phone on me but you know where to find me once you're ready." She looked over to Josuke. "Try to keep out of trouble for a little while Josuke."

"Yes Ma'am." I watched as (NICKNAME) walked away, her hair glittering in the sun that beamed upon her. "Hey what was that about? You flirting with my teacher?" Josuke asked me and I immediately felt annoyed.

"It's none of your concern. Just remember what I said. Be careful. Anjuro Katagiri could be anywhere."

"Yeah. I heard you the first time."

I parted ways with Josuke. In a way he reminded me of my younger self. He wasn't exactly the delinquent I use to be but he definitely fought anyone who got in his way.

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