Chapter Two

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~Reader-Chan Point of View~

I signed as I laid a stack of papers onto my desk. The school day had just ended and not to my surprise it seemed as though Josuke skipped the entire day.

Josuke was a misunderstood student. He often got into fights but not for the reasons one would think. I always covered for him and he would always thank me when the time was right. I'm a way he was the o my student who showed gratitude towards me as a teacher.

I heard my classroom door open and shut loudly. I looked up expecting to see a student who needed help with my work; however, I was surprised to see JoJo. I was about to call his name but he spoke first.

"I'm sorry to walk in unannounced but I was wondering if you had seen Josuke."

I stood up and leaned against my desk, letting out a sigh as I crossed my arms. "He skipped today. Something he tends to do a little too often."

"I see. Is there any work he missed that I should inform him of when I see him?"

"I don't tend to assign much work to my students. I find that not assigning them work often makes them enjoy the class and be a little less stressed with their other classes or personal well being."

"I see." JoJo chuckled. "I could have used a teacher like you back in my school days. I was a big delinquent who never did their work."

"Yet you worked hard and earned a PhD from what I've been hearing from you."

"Marnie biology."

"A much harder field than the one I studied myself."

"I'm sure I don't know anything that you've learned and couldn't do your job. No matter the field, you worked hard yourself."

I smiled and looked down. "Yeah. I guess I did." I wasn't for sure where to pick up on the conversation and decided to lead it to a mutual interest. "Anyway, when you see Josuke be sure to tell him to stop skipping. He's grades are already poor enough."

"I'll be sure to let him know." JoJo wakes back to my room door and left without so much as another word. A part of me was disappointed.

Jotaro was very attractive. The moment I saw him I thought such a thing but I was focused on caring for my constantly skipping student Josuke. I wanted to know more about him and when he had asked if he could see me again outside of school, I had hoped that he found me just as attractive as I found him. Perhaps I was wrong though.

~Time Skip: A few days later~

A few days had past since I last heard from JoJo and since I've last seen Josuke. As a teacher I worried about Josuke but as someone who was attracted to JoJo I was curious as to why he was looking for Josuke a few days back; especially since he hasn't shown up to class since then.

"Yo Dr. (YOUR NAME)!" My eyes widen as I heard Josuke's voice. I was glad to see him back however that didn't excuse him from his absences.

"Josuke Higashikata... where have you been?"

I felt Josuke tense up but after a moment he relaxed and explained himself. "My mother was involved in an accident. I wanted to take care of her."

I signed. "We'll I hope she's feeling better. Send her my regards."

I went about the day teaching my class. When the day had ended I happily let my students free. I watched as Josuke stood up and looked out my classroom door surprised. I took a peak and saw JoJo. He walked in but not to greet Josuke.

"Hey Mr. Kujo! What brings you here? Need me for something?" Josuke sounded as though he was trying to act cool. I wasn't for sure how he could be JoJo's uncle considering their age difference but personal relationships between students and their family was none of my business unless there was some kind of harm involved.

"I'm not here for you. You should head home for the day. I'm sure you have some studying to catch up on after skipping class for several days." I could feel the sarcasm drip from JoJo's lips. Josuke simply pouted as JoJo approached me. "Perhaps I should have came a little later. I thought classes let out thirty minutes ago."

I smiled. "What brings you here either way?"

"You told me to find you when I was ready." I blushed upon remembering what I had said to JoJo a few days back when I meet him and he asked if he could see me outside of the school. I could hear the smirk run across his lips as I tried to mentally cool myself down. "Are you available tonight around seven?"

"I am..." I found myself stumbling on my words.

"Let's do this the old fashion way. I'll pick you up."

"Sounds great. Let me write my number and address down for you." I quickly grabbed a sticky note and realized that Josuke was still in the room. I imagined that he was embarrassed but he left almost as soon as I saw him when one of his friends came by to walk home with him. If I remember correctly, the student's name was Koichi.

"I'll see you then."

I waved Jotaro goodbye as he left. My fears of being the only one with feelings had disappeared. It appeared as though he did have some interest in me. Something about him came off as rough around the edges but I could tell deep down that he was caring in his own ways. I looked forward to our date; however, I still had some work to attend to. Though the day would be long, I was sure it would be worth it.

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