Chapter Four

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-Jotaro's Point of View-

"The phone is right there on the side table. Would you like anything to drink? I have tea, coffee, water. Name it and I probably have it." (NAME) walked away from me as we entered her home. It was quint and cozy. It was comfortable enough that I felt at ease and it wasn't overly clean to the point where I felt as though I couldn't touch anything.

"I'll have whatever you have." I decided to try whatever it was (NAME) would pick. I wanted to know more about her personality and personal change. Now that I thought about it, she looked different today. But I haven't had time to admire her at all. I sighed and pick up the phone. The Speedwagon foundation was to be praised for all they have done and continue to do for my family. They were always there when you needed them. Though I'm sure they wouldn't be happy I destroyed one of their new cars.

I decided to make the phone call brief. I needed to know more about (NAME) until I disclosed any information to anyone, including my grandfather. I took a seat on one of the chairs (NAME) had placed in her living room. Looking around I could depict (NAME)'s style. She was an organized, sophisticated, and simplistic woman. Her house showed that she paid attention to detail.

"Hopefully it's to your liking. I tend to drink my tea rather sweet." (NAME) spoke as she set a tea cup and saucer on the coffee table before me. "I warn you it probably needs to cool. We're you able to make your phone call?" It was odd to see how calm (NAME) was. I wasn't for sure if she was putting up a front or not.

"Yes I was matter of fact. They are called the Speedwagon Foundation and they been helping my family for generations."

"Sounds like your family has some loyal friends and an interesting past. I don't know much about my stand. I really only know that it's called a stand and it's an entity psychically generated by its owner. With that I also know how to control it and have given it a name along with its powers."

I looked downward to the floor. "You know how to cut to the chase I see. I'll take it you're not an enemy stand user if you don't know much about stands and helped me rid of one yourself."

"I'm not surprised if that's what you're wondering. I know Josuke has a stand as well. Of course he doesn't know I know but that's the reason why I tend to cover for him often. When I saw you I thought maybe you had known something about Josuke and his stand. However I can reassure you this is not the reason I agreed to meet with you outside of the school. I just so happened to have gotten caught up in whatever your family has going on." (NAME) took a sip of her tea and my mind filled with more questions than before.

"What made you agree to meeting me then?"

(NAME) seemed to have relaxed suddenly and started laughing. "When you said you were being forward I thought that perhaps you had found me attractive. The feeling was mutual so of course I agreed to see you again privately. But now I'm second guessing myself again." (NAME) stopped laughing as she sat her tea cup down. "I can promise I'm not an enemy. This is honestly a mere coincidence. I'm shocked myself."

By the look (NAME) gave she clearly meant every word she said; however, I was more taken aback by her sudden confession. I had never had someone be so forward with me in the kind way she did. As a teenager I was constantly getting hit on but it was aggressive and clearly not in my best interest.

"If you don't wish to continue meeting me than I completely understand." (NAME) began speaking once again and I found myself dumbfounded. I took a moment to examine her figure and this was the time I noticed how different she looked. She looked the same as far as her attractiveness but her personality had clearly shown through now. She was clearly more complex than what met the eye. "You can stay until the Speedwagon Foundation comes. Make yourself at home. There's no need to feel shy in my house." (NAME) smiled but this smile was different. She seemed sadden. This was just further prove that she meant every word she said.

I stood up. "I wasn't planning on going anywhere. Matter of fact, this is helpful. There's no reason for me hind my powers in the dark and the same goes for you."

(NAME) looked up, her expression surprised. "I guess you're right." She raised my hand to her lips. "So, where would you like to start?" She stood up in front of me and I remember just how small she was compared to myself. I felt myself needing to turn my face in embarrassment from my red cheeks.

"Well for starters. Let me introduce you to the Speedwagon Foundation."

(NAME) turned around upon hearing a knock on her door. "We'll they sure don't waste their time. I look forward to learning everything there is to know." She smiled as we walked to her door. We both reached out for the door knob but I stopped upon touching the very top of her hand. I felt like a fool. Teenage me would have never felt this way. Matter of fact, even in my early twenties I wasn't like this. I guess I've truly changed with age and experience.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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