Chapter 12: Time

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Sup my wonderful readers!! This chapter is dedicated to XsmilewithoutreasonX because she made me the awesome new cover!!! So go check her out :)



Louis POV:

Its been threee days since they have taken Harry away from me, three days I have been trying to come up with a plan, three days that I've been locked up in my room refusing to speak to anyone.  I don't know how much of this I can take! I miss him so much, its driving me insane, not only that but if I don't get his blood soon I'm going to be forced to drink from someone else, that will not be a pleasent experience. I screamed into my pillow for the hundreth time today when a knocking was on my door.

"Go away Zayn or Niall!! I told you that I need to be alone to think!" I shouted at them.

I heard the door creak open and I groaned in annoyence, only Zayn would be brave enough to comeinto my room uninvited.

"Zayn, I get that you're concerned and all but can you please just leave me alone." I pleaded from my pillow.

"Its not Zayn." The voice spoke.

I lifted my head up from the pillow and saw Liam standing there akwardly by the door.

"Well what do you want Liam?" I asked annoyed.

"I want to talk." He said bravely, closing the door behinde him and walking towards me.

"You know that I can kill you, right?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

Liam scoffed. "Of course I know that, why do you think its taken three days for me to build up the courage to come and talk to you anyway."

I shrugged. "Okay, but I'm really pissed off right now so if I go bizaerke and slit your throat don't blame me."

"Understood." He stated simply, walkign a little closer to me.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I questioned.

He rubbed the back of his neck akwardly and walked towards me so that he was now sitting on the bed.

"Louis, do you beleive in love at first sight?" He mummbled.

Do I beleive in love at first sight? The first time I ever saw Harry I knew I had to have him, I even got Zayn to pick him up for me. And let me tell you, convinsing Zayn to something on hunting night is extremly hard to do. But is that love at first sight or just lust? Once again I asked myself if I truely do love Harry. If I do I don't want it to be just because of the prophiecy, and I don't think it is. I think its the way the whole room lights up whenever he smiles, or the beautiful shade of green that his eyes are, or maybe its his perfectly soft pink lips. I thought for a while before finally answering Liams question.

"Yes Liam, I do beleive in love at first sight." I told him.

He nodded and looked at the bed sheets. "You love Harry don't you?" He guessed.

"Yah, he is everything to me, even if I have only known him for a very short period of time I feel like my whole world revovles around him." I confesed.

Liam chuckled slightly. "Yah, Harrys a pretty cool dude."

"Why do you ask?" I questioned.

"Ask what?" He said confused.

"About love at first sight." I explained, humans are so forgetfull I swear.

Liams cheeks turned a bright red and he looked across the room, refusing to meet my curious gaze.

"Oh that. Well you see I really like, might even love this one person and they're with someone else. But they wants to be with me, but their friend loved him first. So to make sure that said friend is happy they are is dating him, even if it makes them unhappy. And the only thing I can do is sit back and watch as the person I love pretends to love someone else." He exclaimed, I could see that he was holding back tears, and I was pretty sure I knew who he loved.

"Liam do you love Zayn?" I whispered gently.

"Yah" He croaked. "But he is to nice of a person to tell Niall that he doesn't want to be with him. He says that it doesn't even matter because I told him I'm straight but I just can't stand seeing him with Niall. Its killing me!"

I nodded my head in understanding. "Don't worry Liam everything will turn out for the better, you just have to be patient." I reassured.

"Thanks Louis. Have you thought of a way to get Harry back yet?"

"Not yet." I sighed. "Its frustrating me so much! I just need to see him."

"Well have you ever thought about pretending to surrender?" He asked.

"What? That would never work." I told him.

"Actually, if you pretend to surrender to him and agree to talk with him as long as you get Harry first, you could take Harry and run out of there. Maybe even use that secret power that Niall goes on and on about all the time." He explained to me.

I though about it for a moment. There is alot of risk invovled, I could get myself and Harry killed, but if it ment even a slim chance of getting Harry back I would risk it.

"That might just work. But when should we do it?" I wondered out loud.

Just then there was a kncok on the door and Zayn stepped in. I saw him looked at Liam and frown slightly but he turned his attention back to me.

"Louis you need to read this." He said franticly waving a peice of paper in front of me.

I snatched it from him roughly and started to read it.

Dear Louis Tomlison and Friends,

It has been three days since we have taken Harry and I am quite suprised by the lack of activity from you and your corters. But if its suprise that you wan;t I'm afraid that you wont be getting it. You have excatly 2 days to come and rescue your little damsel in distress or we will use him as our toy, and personal food bank. Now since he is you novertry you know how painfull that would be for both of you, so I suggest that you hurry. Well goodbye for now, I hope to see you soon.


The king.

I clenched my fists at the thought of any one hurting hurting Harry, I let out a sharp growl and both Liam and Zayn looked at me in concern. I turned to face Liam.

"I think we should start on that plan of yours soon." I told him sternly.

"Um, sure. Whenever you want Louis." He agreed with me.

I started walking out of the room followed my Liam and Zayn. I stopped in front of the door making them stop suddenly and fumble into eachother.

"What ever is happening to you two, you need to figure it out. You're both hurting and I hate to see you this way so please, do something about it." I comanded, leaving them both standing there speachless.

Oh father, you are going to regret ever taking Harry. I though with and evil smile on my face.



OK so thats kinda short but its all I could do for now!! Please do the following



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