Where am I?

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Authors note: Thoughts        Actions Whisper
It's was on May 14 2017, around noon. I was walking down the street, like I do every day to get to work. As I was crossing the street I tripped on my shoe laces. I was in the middle of the street tying my shoe laces when I hear people screaming. "MOVE!" "GET OUT OF THE WAY LADY!" I look to my left to see a car speeding toward me... and then it all went black.

When I opened my eyes I saw a grey-ish kinda ceiling with flower stickers all over it, a sight I haven't seen in like 8 years. I could hear two people talking and the voices sounded like my brother's and his girlfriend's, people I haven't seen for a long time. One of them came into the room busting the door down basically. "Alright, wake up. It's almost noon and it's a Saturday, you're lazy Y/N." I look up to see my twin brother, Hanagaki Takemichi, whom I haven't seen since 2009. "T-Takemichi? Is that you?!" If you couldn't tell I was excited to see my brother. "Um, duh. Who else would I be, God?" I giggled a little forgetting how funny he was, and rude to only me. "Get dressed. Hina is taking us up to the mall for our monthly tradition thing." I got up from my bed and yawned. "I forgot that was today tbh." He looked at me with an annoyed expression so I just stuck my tongue out at him telling him to go away and he did the same as he closed the door.

I walked out of my room in a normal outfit for me, a hoodie that's a little to big for me and a pair of ripped jeans, not to ripped though. "Girl you style needs to change if you ever want to get a man someday." Hina said to me as I just walked past her not even paying attention to what she said to me. "Hello, earth to Y/N, I'm talking to you ma'am. That means you look at me." She said, me still not paying attention. "Let's go now, I've got a few stores in mind already." I said trying to distract her from the topic of ignoring her, which I do often. "YAY!! But they better be good stores, not some weird places that Takemichi would like. Pick somewhere more girly this time, ok?" She said putting her finger in my face. "Then I don't have anywhere for us to go." I said looking at her with a smirk. "Then I'll pick where we go and Takemichi can figure his own thing out. We don't need him today anyways because today's goal is to find a cute boy in the mall for you do talk to." Hina said with her usual evil smile. "No." Was all I was saying to that. "Yes." She said looking at me with the same look that's on my face. We went on just saying yes and no for so long that we didn't even realize we were already at the mall. "Oh, look at that, perfect timing since you just finally agreed to my idea. Now let's go inside!"

(A/N: So I was thinking make these like five hundred words or more. Let me know if I should make them a bit longer though, like seriously tell me.)

574 words

~𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒~ (𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑓𝑢𝑦𝑢 𝑥 𝑌/𝑁)Where stories live. Discover now