He looks like your type

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Me and Hina were walking out of like the 5th store already and I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Sorry again." I said picking up my bags and the few things that fell out of them. "Huh? What? No, you're fine. It was my fault as well." I was still on the floor and he was already standing up. I look up once I finished picking up my stuff that Hina made me buy, spent like almost $200 already because of her. I see that the guy was holding his hand out to help me up so I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "He looks about our age." I thought looking at his face and how small he was and was kinda surprised that he could be that small and yet so strong like :|. Hina nugged my shoulder because apparently he asked me a question. "Huh? Oh, what's you say? I'm sorry I didn't hear you." I kinda chuckled. "That's ok. Anyways , what's your name?" He asked me raising an eyebrow. "Hanagaki Y/N, but just call me Y/N." I said with a big cheerful smile plastered onto my face. "Matsuno Chifuyu, it's a pleasure to meet you Y/N-san." He said, but other people have said 'Y/N-san' to me before but the way he said it was just different and I could feel my face heat up. I just now noticed too that there was someone behind him as well. "And you name is?" I asked tilting my head to the side to see the guy, he had long black hair and he looked like he was older than Chifuyu-san. He looked confused like he was trying to figure out if I was talking to him or not. He pointed at himself as if asking if it was him I was talking to and I nodded my head. "Baji Keisuke, but just call me Baji." I smiled a little, they both seemed like nice guys, which you don't find often anymore.

  "Hey, can I get your number?" Chifuyu asked me out of nowhere. "Oh- um- sure?" I said as I handed him my phone so he could put his number in and he did the same with his. "Well, it was nice seeing you. Hope to see you again soon cutie." Chifuyu said as he winked at me and him and Baji walked out of the mall. "I- did he just- no way he did that!" Hina yelled. "You look like a piece of shit! How can you pull a guy wearing that Y/N?!" She yelled in genuine confusion as she looked at me with the most surprised look on her face. "Guess I'm just that pretty compared to you." I said in a confident way. "You look like crap though." She said as she walked to the exit and to our surprise, they were still there... "CUTIE!" Chifuyu yelled as he ran towards me. "I knew I would see you again soon." He said happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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