Hurt and alone.

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Dream didn’t feel good today, he actually felt like shit for lack of a better word, he woke up head pounding, lungs and throat burning, stuffy nose and a dry mouth with a taste of bitterness on the tip of his tongue

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Dream didn’t feel good today, he actually felt like shit for lack of a better word, he woke up head pounding, lungs and throat burning, stuffy nose and a dry mouth with a taste of bitterness on the tip of his tongue.

He blinked for a few times trying to focus his sight, everything was spinning and every muscle hurt. He didn’t even think about leaving his bed as he felt extremely tired that he just decided to go back to sleep as it seemed tempting to just doze off.

He wished his boyfriend was home, so that he would get some cuddles and comfort to ease his pain, but after their last huge argument Techno made it clear that he needed space and it’s been a week now since they’ve spoken last after Techno moved to his old apartment and Dream -as much as he needed him- he was going to respect his lover’s decision. He hated looking at the empty spot on his bed where Techno usually slept, so he He left his bed, lying on the wall for support, his legs felt like jelly knees threatening to give out under him, he made it to the couch in the living room and just curled in a blanket and slipped off.


Techno was in his office, today he felt kind of off, something was wrong, aside from taking a break from his relationship with his lover. He’s been struggling to focus on his work lately, he would think about Dream for most of the time, he knows the blond isn’t too good at taking good care of himself, he’s proven that right in several occasions, Techno frequently found himself worrying and wondering if Dream has eaten his meals, if he's taking breaks to rest from work, because normally the blond with his ADHD would just work himself until he collapses, techno was there for most of it to help he’s lover go back on track, but now he’s not.

Techno thinks about their argument sometimes and it seems ridiculous to him how it ended up that big and with a need to take a break from their relationship.

It’s been a week now since they’ve talked last, and techno can’t take it anymore, especially that he was the one to ask for a break so he should be the one to end this, it was misery for both of them… it was just a moment of anger in the middle of a heated argument that led him to his decision, but now that he comes to think of it, the silent treatment is not solving anything neither it is beneficial for any of them…he was going to call Dream after he finished his shift.

It was Friday, so Techno already made up his mind that he’ll go shopping in the evening to buy his beloved a nice cute gift to make up for the missed cuddles, and he would speak to him on Saturday and maybe spend Saturday night in the movies and have a nice dinner afterwards.

Techno was satisfied with his plan knowing that he’s going to fix things and get his Dream back soon, so he got back to his documents on the desk feeling slightly better.

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