His soft touch...

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Techno had just finished his meeting, he couldn’t help but feel guilty about the way he dismissed Dream’s phone call in the morning, he checked his phone there were no missed calls or messages from him, he put it back in his pocket, then started w...

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Techno had just finished his meeting, he couldn’t help but feel guilty about the way he dismissed Dream’s phone call in the morning, he checked his phone there were no missed calls or messages from him, he put it back in his pocket, then started walking towards his office.

thinking how he could make it up for the blond, his line of thoughts was cut by his phone ringing, he got excited thinking it was his lover calling again, he was slightly confused to see that the caller’s name reads ‘Eleanor’, that’s Dream’s mom, why would she call him now, she never calls at working hours, he answers quickly,

“Hello, Eleanor!” he was met with a very terrified stressed voice

“T-Techno, Dream, something is wrong, you have to help him” Techno felt panic rising in his chest, but he kept his composure to find out what’s going on

“Hey calm down, just breath, okay? Now what’s going on? what’s with Dream?”

“I, I called him and he was barely awake, he said his head hurts and he sounded exhausted, he was going to get some Advil, then he said he wasn’t okay, then there was this loud thud and he just went silent…”

She paused for a second gasping for air then she continued “I tried calling him again, but he didn’t pick up, Techno you really have to do something, you need to check on him please”

Techno was frozen, he couldn’t even think of what could’ve happened to Dream, his Dream. But he needs to be strong now, Dream needs him.

“Okay, okay, I’m sure he’s fine, he’ll be fine, I’m…I’m going home now to check on him, okay?” he ended the call immediately and rushed to the elevator heading to the parking lot, he needs to get to his lover, and he needs to do it fast.

He tried to call his boyfriend’s phone but as expected no answer, he felt guilt washing over him, Dream called him this morning, he was probably sick by then, he probably needed his help and comfort, and all he did was push him away, he pushed him away and didn’t even listen because of some stupid meeting, Dream must’ve felt hurt and alone, Dream must’ve hated him.

Then he started thinking what could’ve happened, did dream just get distracted by Patches and left? Although it sounded unrealistic but he really wished that was the case, but what if he was actually hurt? he felt panic rising in his chest.

“God! Dream please be okay…”

He parked his car in front of their shared house, then jumped on the stairs rushing inside the house, looking all over the place “Dream! …Dream, where ar…”

he stopped when he saw his lover on the floor laying on his side next to his phone, eyes closed, cheeks tinted red with traces of tears, chest rising and falling.

He rushed to his lover’s side and scooped him in his arms, body limp and radiating with heat “shit…Dream, Dream baby, can you hear me…” he patted his cheeks gently “Dream open your eyes for me baby, Dream please…”

He lifted him in his arms and headed to their bedroom, he gently put Dream on their bed, he quickly rushed to the bathroom grabbing the thermometer, and a wet towel to help reduce the fever until Dream takes some food and meds , he came back to his lover’s side, still as unmoved and heavily breathing, he placed the thermometer between Dream’s dry lips, the towel on his sweaty forehead and started stroking his golden locks. Dream let out a small sigh and subconsciously leaned to the coldness.

He can still see the tears on his cheeks, the red tinted freckles, he remembered how tired Dream sounded in the morning, how he was talking about needing something before Techno cut him off.

He hated this, he hated the stupid argument they had, how he distanced himself from his lover, he wished it never happened, maybe if Techno stayed in their appartement, he would’ve noticed that something was wrong with Dream in the morning, he would’ve been able to be there for him and help him instead of finding him laid on the floor unconscious crying and burning up with fever, it was so overwhelming that Techno felt tears stinging in his eyes at the sight of Dream frowning in pain and just passed out.

His line of thoughts was cut again by a beep from the thermometer, he pulled it out softly from Dream’s lips and was startled to see 104.5F .

this wasn’t good not good at all, looking back at his lover’s features he noticed him frowning his eyebrows in pain, then half lidded green eyes were open, blurry and unfocused, he glanced for a few seconds before landing his sight on Techno sitting next to him.

“Dream?” was all that techno said.

“T..T’chno, y..you’re cry’ng” it came out all raspy and concerned that it melted Techno’s heart, how could he be concerned about him when he was the one lying on bed.

Then Dream slightly lift his hand trying desperately to reach to Techno..

Techno just stared through teary eyes, and suddenly leaned to wrap his lover in his arms “Baby, you scared me, are you okay? I’m sorry Dreamie, I’m sorry, so sorry I wasn’t here for you” he kissed Dreams temples and cheeks avoiding the wet cloth on his forehead and feeling the heat radiating from the smaller boy.

Dream was semi-conscious, still in his dazed state, he couldn’t remember much or process what Techno said, but he knew that his lover was upset and apologizing, “t’s fine, I’m f..fine” .

Techno tightened his grip on the blonde’s waist and back, another kiss on his jaw then he laid him back on the bed and gently touched Dream’s cheeks,

“I’ll be right back, okay?”, “s…stay?” was all Dream could master with his fuzzy brain, it melted Techno’s heart to see his lover’s teary puppy eyes begging him to stay.

“I’m just gonna make you your favorite chicken soup, it’s gonna help you, okay?” he said trying to reason with his sick boyfriend, Dream just hummed and drifted back to sleep. Techno just covered him with a lightweight blanket and left to their kitchen.

NOTES:  Thanks for reading again, : ) .
Hope you're enjoying the fic, don't forget to drop any remarks you have ...

Again if you wanna talk you're much welcomed to, this is my twitter @blueish_bean .
Much love <3

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