Don't ever leave me again.

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In the kitchen Techno noticed that all that was in their fridge was a pack of energy drinks, ice cream and some canned food, he knew Dream couldn’t cook to save his life, so he probably just lived off ordering fast food during this period Techno wasn’t home…

at least he found some broth, so he just worked with what he got, it’s not going to taste the best but it’s still going to be a healthy soup however…

When he was done, he put a bowl of soup to the side to cool down and started making some mint tea, he grabbed some ibuprofen from a drawer and headed to his and Dream’s bed room.

He slowly entered the room, he put everything on the nightstand and checked on his lover, Dream’s eyes still shut, his skin was sickly pale except for his flashed cheeks, a thin layer of sweat covering his neck, his chest rising and falling with unsteady breaths.

It was a heart-breaking sight, Techno gently touched his lover’s cheeks, then pulled the previously cold cloth just to find it warm now, he sat next to Dream’s side on the bed brushing his fingers through the blond’s hair trying to wake him up “Dream baby, you gotta wake up now, you need to take some meds and eat..”

“hmphh…” dream huffed and turned burring his face in the pillow mumbling again “t’red…” .

“I know Dreamie, but it’s gonna help you feel better, I promise..” Techno replied “Just take a few seps for me please, then you can sleep all you want” he kept strocking the golden locks…

A moment later Dream turned around facing the pinkette, he opened his tired half-lidded eyes, emerald watery irises unfocused, dark eye bags, Dream didn’t say anything, he tried to get up, his elbows giving up instantly ,

Techno quickly supported the smaller boy’s back “woah...easy baby, take it easy, I got you, I got you” he said helping him lie down on some pillows, Dream just leaned to the touch letting himself being manhandled as he held his temple in an attempt to ease the growing pounding from the movement.

He looked at Techno “T…Te’no you’re here” he said as if he’s just recognized the other man’s presence, voicing it to make sure he’s not just hallucinating.

Techno caresses his lover’s cheek with a sweet loving smile, the blond was obviously out of it. Techno’s heart stung with more guilt now that Dream finds it hard to believe he’s actually with him “yes my love, where else would I be? Always by your side”.

Dream only looked at him blinking slowly with dazed eyes and a fuzzy brain “yes, th’nks” he slurred again, and if this situation was any different, Techno would just stop and admire how cute his boy is, but for now he had to help him through recovery.

“okay, now let’s put some food in your system” Techno said holding a spoon of soup to the blond’s mouth, the blond parted his lips and tasted the soup, he immediately made a pouting face and looked at the pinkette’s ruby eyes with a look saying ‘how do you call this food?’

The pinkette smiled “ Oh c’mon, it’s not that bad, I didn’t find some of the ingredients in the kitchen, so you gonna have to bear with me for now, but it’s still healthy for you. Now here, another spoon please “.

he kept feeding the sick male until he refused to eat anymore, by then half the bowl was empty, it’s not near the amount Techno initially wanted him to eat, but he’s glad he managed to eat that much at least.

I'm sorry...I'm here now! [Dreamnoblade/short story]Where stories live. Discover now