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Next week, they still didn't have a set list.

But they did have a new laptop and a missing Nationals trophy.

Blaine had found Barry with his friends at lunch. He had walked over and said, "Hi, mind if I intrude for a second?"

"Nice laptop, dude," James stated.

"Thanks, it's kinda not mine though," Blaine replied. "Barry, I have to show you something."

"If it's not yours, where did you get it?" Barry asked as Relish moved over a little so Blaine could sit next to Barry.

"The Warblers left it," Blaine answered. "In the choir room."

"They just...left it? Unattended?" Barry asked. "Wait, how and when did they get in?"

"I don't know," Blaine said. "But they took our Nationals trophy, and left this message with them."

Blaine opened the laptop and hit play. The person in the video had blurred his face out, and obviously deepened his voice too, because it was way too deep for any human teenager to have.

"Greetings, New Directions. You have been living as National Champions on borrowed time. That ends now. We have your trophy. Soon we'll have your title as well. A great reckoning is at hand- Sectionals. Your move."

The video cut off.

"Well...that was intense," James said.

"Very," Nicholas agreed. Although, he didn't seem to have been paying attention to the video.

Barry had a feeling he knew what Blaine was thinking. "You think Sebastian did it?" He asked.

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was him." Blaine admitted. "But what do you think? From what you know, is he capable of this?"

"When I last saw him? Of course not." Barry shook his head. "But from what you've told me about him? Definitely." He continued before asking, "What are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to go talk to him," Blaine stated. "After glee, though. I just wanted to catch you up, most of the others know already, and kinda get your thoughts on it."

"Thanks," Barry said. "Are you going to bring the laptop back?"

"Uh, maybe, should I?" Blaine asked. Barry shrugged.

"Finders keepers," he stated.

Blaine chuckled lightly before speaking once more, "Well, I'll let you guys get back to your lunch. That's all I wanted to say." Blaine stood up and stepped away from the table.

Relish slid back over to his original spot.

"See you," Barry waved slightly.

Blaine nodded and made his way off.

Nicholas spoke up once more, "He's hot."

The other boys paused, turning to look over at him. "What?" Barry asked.

"What?" Nicholas asked in confusion, shrugging. "He is."

James stared at him and stuttered out, "Are- are you gay?"

"No, I'm bi," Nicholas stated with a shrug. "There's a little bit of a difference."

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Relish asked, taking his original seat back now that Blaine was gone. "We wouldn't have cared, dude."

"It's the middle of Ohio, you never know," Nicholas said. "I got enough other shit going on."

"What do you mean?" Barry asked.

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