Chapter One: Suprise Guest

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Reigns pov:

"Im so done!" throwing the paper in the trash i yelled while in my music cube. Looking to the walls where my posters of my father are..then ones of the kings through time..reigns have always been top..they never let that position go but Aceiru has one daughter..and shes princess so that leaves the prince position open..which is why my father wants me to per-sue it... "i give up..try again another day" i put my head on my desk sighing.

"hey dude what up?" syo came in smirking "so i want a apology for this morning..." he crossed his arms upset "that hurt you know"

"now you know how it feels.." i mumbled "Not much and as for the apology hurt noelle.." i crossed my arms gazing to him with a cold death glare " now if you have nothing else to say get out of my cube.."

"whatever..i dont need one anyway..your just cold and mean.." he left without even a hesitation

"mean..ha look in the mirror" i said going back to writing hoping to finish one song at-least..if i can.

After some time i gave up frustrated by this writers block i crumbled the paper tossing it in my trash can. Laying back in my chair i put my ands on my forehead. "what will it take to just get reason through her head!" Looking around my Office photos of me and my mom when she cared..i miss those days so much..she's changed since he managed to place the blame on aunt already is gonna take my lil sis in for now. When i got the chance i called her telling her word for word whats going on..she wasnt pleased so she took her. moms gonna be mad when she finds out but shes my lil sis i will protect her.

Slowly leaning back to my desk i attempted again when i heard someone enter..gazing up with annoyed eyes already angry " Yes Ryus? im busy trying to write here" crossing my arms as my cold death glare hit him.

"hows that working out for you?" he leaned against my door just staring right at me. "listen we all have writers block..i know your not perfect honestly i wish more people could see the true you..who loves music..but writers block is hard i go through it..i suffer from it but know what?" he questioned me

listening to his every word and lighten my glare slowly carefully watching him "what?" i spoke with amusement he understands me more then anyone, knows my pressure im under..knows i hate being perfect all the time.

"i get help..Areia has a friend part of writers club who gets writers block but she finds a way to get back to writing..shes not perfect shes shy around big groups but when with very little people shes a open book..she listens to your issues and tries to help..shes cold but blunt..she states facts but is understanding youll prob have to make a deal with her but atleast try to get her help please" he smiles at me then hands me a paper with the name of the friend and office number.

Looking at the paper the name i least expected to see "Jewels" was there. Amused i smirked "Soo Jewels is a open book she seems quiet and quite reserved avoiding people all the time" watching Ryus raise an eyebrow i sighed "i believe you dont worry thats the impression i got from my run ins with her" i reassured him i meant no harm with my remark

"i know you do..just its rare to see that amused look. Anyways i came by to give you that..Areia said to atleast suggest it" Ryus smiled and went on his way waving goodbye before heading off to his music office.

"hmm maybe..ill give a it a shot maybe find out more about you miss distracted all time..maybe ill learn a bit about understanding others pain...theres more to her that meets the eyes"
mumbling i get back to doing my schoolwork getting it all finished so i dont have to take it home.

once i finished my school work i left my office stopped by Ryus waved to him with the note. He smiled chuckling knowing where i was headed. Walking through writers club i found her office and waited there for her when i had just found out she went to get lunch before she was to arrive in her office.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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