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The Heffley house is sweet. It's chaotic, but I can't expect any less from three boys.

"Marleigh," Susan cheers as I walk through the door.

"Hi," I smile. She quickly hugs me with her free arm, Manny slung in the other.

"Oh, I haven't seen you in forever," she sighs. "How have you been?"

"I'm okay. How are you?" I say, holding my arms out to Manny. She hands him over to me without any hesitation.

"I'm fine," she says quickly. "Rodrick James!"

Rodrick picks his head up from the fridge and looks at his mother. "What?"

"Get out of the fridge," she says. Rodrick rolls his eyes before walking toward the couch. "And no shoes in the house!"

"Sorry," he shrugs before pulling his shoes off and throwing them by the door.

"Okay," Susan sighs, turning back to me. "There are plenty leftovers in the fridge. Heat up whatever you want. Manny will probably take a nap soon, but make sure he doesn't take a nap after dinner. He won't go to bed if he sleeps after 6. Oh! And Greg is not allowed to play his video game tonight. He has flashcards for a science test that he needs to study for. And Rodrick!"

"Yeah, Mom?" Rodrick says, his face buried in the couch already.

"Please make sure you get your algebra homework done," she replies. "You cannot fail that class again, okay?"

"I got it," he mumbles.

"I mean it," Susan says sternly.

"Yeah, I got it, Mom," he huffs.

Susan closes her eyes, holding her hand to her forehead. "Okay," she exhales. "I think that's all. My cell phone number is on the fridge if you need anything."

"Alright," I nod.

"Thank you so much," she says. She kisses Manny on the head before walking out the door, followed closely by Frank.

"Algebra, huh?" I ask Rodrick.

"I don't wanna hear it, Princess," he huffs, slamming his face into the pillow.

"I passed that class in my sleep," I laugh.

"I know," Rodrick replies. "I sat behind you freshman year when we took it, you know it all."

"I am not-"

"Bubby!" Manny shrieks. I flinch as he starts swinging his arms toward the living room. "Bubby!"

"Rodrick," I sigh, walking into the living room. "He wants you."

"Just put him on the ground," Rodrick waves me away.

"Bubby!" Manny squeals, reaching for Rodrick.

"Will you please just take him?" I ask, doing my best to restrain the three year old in my arms. Rodrick rolls his eyes before standing up and tickling Manny's stomach.

"Come here, Stinker," Rodrick sighs, taking Manny out of my arms.

"Bubby! Bubby!" Manny claps. Rodrick bounces him on his hip and Manny giggles.

"Don't say it," Rodrick says quietly.

"I wasn't going to say anything," I smile, putting my hand on my hip.

"I know you were," he glares at me. The little boy yawns before laying his head on Rodrick's shoulder.

"It's just unexpected," I shake my head. I rub Manny's head lightly. He blinks slowly and I smile. He looks so peaceful. And Rodrick is letting Manny fall asleep on him. I'm surprised.

"What are you thinking about?" Rodrick says quietly.

"Nothing," I reply quickly.

"Mhm," he smiles. "I don't think you've ever smiled like that in front of me before."

"That's because I hate you," I say, turning away from him.

"Where are you going?" Rodrick asks, following me upstairs.

"Greg needs to study," I answer. "Why are you following me?"

"I've gotta lay Manny down," he says, looking at the sleepy kid in his arms. I quickly walk up the stairs and knock on Greg's door.

"Hey kiddo," I say, walking in.

"Marleigh!" He says, hopping off his bed and hugging me. "I missed you."

"Oh, it hasn't been that long," I laugh, ruffling his hair.

"I was 9 the last time I saw you," Greg argues.

"How old are you now?" I ask.

"13 in 5 months," he says proudly.

"Already?" I question. "I think you're lying. You're definitely 10."

"Nuh-uh," he shakes his head. "I'm in 7th grade."

"A big middle schooler then?" I cross my arms. "That means you probably have middle school things to do. Like homework?"

"Oh my gosh," Greg slaps his hand over my mouth. "My science homework!"

"Exactly," I smile as he digs into his backpack, pulling out his flashcards.

"You tricked me," he says shortly, setting his flashcards down.

"Yeah," I sigh, clicking my tongue. "But since you already dug your stuff out, now you can study."

He gives me a questioning look and I whisper, "If you study, I'll let you eat in your room."


I nod and Greg goes back to his flashcards. I laugh before walking out of the room. I meet Rodrick in the hallway as he is closing Manny's bedroom door. He actually looks kinda... cute when he isn't tormenting everyone around him or being obnoxious.

"Ew," I say to myself.

"What?" Rodrick says, turning to me.

"Nothing," I say, walking toward the stairs. "I just remembered I also have some homework to do."

pretty boy // rodrick heffleyWhere stories live. Discover now