Am i though?

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She woke up in the dark.Its like days have gone by with no real connection to life.All she has left is her conversations cry and screams with the dark.She chuckled she realized she's gone crazy cause the dark can't give remarks. Just constant regret of things she's said. Scared to die at first but that fear disappeared after the empty feeling of hunger and thirst. Her surroundings were blank and never found. She didn't think the person who ''loved'' her most would be the upbring to her curse. Just red flags she was blinded to see covered in red wine and roses.Her heart couldn't decide anything yet to go , his touch, his breath, and his voice was like angels to the grasp, Yet his intentions were sick and out of reach. " But sick bastard, I can see you now" her vocals let escape with a deep sigh and a little chuckle. She realized her heart can't show the way so her mind will seek her way. Her fear of death began to ease at least she knew she tried to break away free.Far away from the desire of being set away. She broke away right through the door.Thinking about the face of her son that she adores.Right through the doors she took a step and realized that now she's free.She runs stepping on and over stones and running through trees trying to get to her home , she didn't realized the grave that she just left was the only place that was truly her. She meets a train track and decides to follow the metal that brings her to the left. Suddenly the ground begins to shake. She looks up and a light breaks through the black. A train encounting her takes her last breath. Prepared for the moment she dies  she looks down to the surprise of her floating. A smile with a few tears of joy she flies faster with the remembrance of her son. She comes into sight of the cabin and hears the voice of her sweet boy. She burst     through the door without touching the handle. The rushing hug for her beloved child "I see you now" seemed out of reach; there was some weird form of breach. The tokens were adding up now. ''Im dead and loving my son is now unreached

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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